摘要: | 摘要 本文主要是利用實驗探討板材經非對稱壓延加 工後, 其彎曲的曲率、輥輪壓延力及輥輪扭矩和板 材壓下率的變化情形。非對稱壓延主要是以同徑異 週速為主, 加上入口角度變化及乾摩擦、濕摩擦等 條件進行實驗。 實驗結果發現, 壓延力及扭矩皆與縮減率、入 口角度成正比關係, 且和週速比成反比關係。在濕 摩擦狀態下也有相同的情形, 然在相同縮減率下, 濕摩擦所產生的壓延力及扭矩較乾摩擦小。曲率方 面, 曲率變化主要是隨著壓下率有週期性振盪的波 形。 Summary The paper is a research with experiment to inquire into the variety of curvature, loading, torque and reduction after sheet is prsessed by asymmetrical rolling. The asymmetrical rolling mainly takes asymmetrical rolling as principle to experiment with the variety of entry angular and the conditions of dry, lubrication and etc. In the experiment result, we can find loading and torque are direct proportioned to reduction and entry angular, but they are inverse proportioned to the ratio of the peripheral velocities of the upper roll and the lower roll. There is the same situation under the condition of lubrication, too. However, under the same reduction, loading and torque produced by lubrication are smaller than by dry.In curvature, the variety of it changing with reduction is wave of oscillation of a cycle. |