We showed that if the non-thermal emission from the galactic center in the range 14-40keV is due to inverse bremsstrahlung emission of subrelativistic protons, their interactions with hot and cold fractions of the interstellar medium are equally important. Our estimation shows that about 30% of the total non-thermal flux from the GC in the range 14-40keV is generated in regions of cold gas while the rest is produced by proton interaction with hot plasma. From the spatial distribution of 6.7 keV iron line we concluded the spatial distribution of hot plasma is strongly non-uniform that should be taken into account in analysis of proton propagation in the GC. From the Suzaku data we got independent estimates for the diffusion coefficient of subrelativistic protons in the GC, which was in the range 10(26)-10(27) cm(2) s(-1).