台灣高科技產業發展至今已二十多年,不僅創造了台灣的經濟奇蹟,更使台灣在全球高科技產業中扮演不可或缺的角色,面對未來以知識經濟為主的發展趨勢,高科技產業將成為我國未來產業發展之主流。反觀國內營建產業,近年來由於公共工程大量萎縮,以及民間空屋率居高不下的雙重衝擊情況下,業者莫不積極參與高科技廠房工程,以圖救亡存續。 賽局理論(Theory of Games)乃利用數學模型的方式,將人與人之間的交互衝突行為,有系統的加以歸納分析,並應用最佳均衡的概念,來檢驗各種認知在邏輯上是否一致,其特點是研究「怎麼以數學模型模擬理性決策者之間的衝突與合作」。 本研究針對高科技產業廠房興建工程,應用賽局理論建立承商競爭策略行為之分析模型,協助承商根據其市場定位(先趨者、追隨者等)決定其最有利之競爭策略。文中將對國內高科技廠房工程的特性進行分類整理,然後應用賽局理論原理以及產業現況的說明,建立分析模型之基本假設與可能採行之策略行為,並探討各廠商彼此競爭過程中的效用函數差異,作為各種模擬狀況下賽局均衡分析的依據;再利用各類賽局均衡結果來解釋其競爭過程中策略行為的原因。最後,本研究將探討國內各廠商參與高科技產業廠房興建工程之最適經營管理策略。 The high-tech construction market has been booming in Taiwan in the last two decades followed the development of high-tech industry. Also in Mainland China the market is developing with great speed. Many contractors have already entered or are looking to enter the market for the potential tangible profit. That makes the competition very intense. Gaming Theory is used in this research to study proper competing strategies for contractors in the High-Tech construction market. Based on the contractor’s and its major competitor’s strength and weakness in areas such as price, technical, experience, and quality, an analysis applying gaming theory helps the contractor to determine proper strategies such as join-venture with other contractor, alliance with subcontractors, work on its own, and so on. A model including step-by-step procedure for its execution is developed in this research. A case study is used for illustration of the developed model. Sensitivity analysis is further conducted for validation. Findings are reported.