傳統營建業資訊系統之發展多為分階段、針對個別功能之逐步開發與應用,如估價、排程、工程財務、人事薪資等系統的逐步推行。但隨著資訊技術的進步及成熟,企業累積了大量的交易資料,而這些不同的資訊系統間資料交換的問題也越顯重要。企業也必須花更多的人力與財力來維護這些資訊系統,才能確保資料的正確性與一致性。因此,乃有整合化之運用及發展趨勢。企業資源規劃(ERP)系統的概念就是將企業組織內的生產、行銷、人事、研發、財務及其他相關功能結合在一起的跨部門、跨單位,共同分享整體企業資訊的應用軟體程式。所有的資料只要經過一次輸入就可以被全部的模組使用,也由於使用共用資料庫,資料只要一經更改,所有部門得到的資料都是一致的。因此提高了資訊的正確性與即時性。 但ERP系統之導入係將企業日常運作的所有流程都包括在內,因此系統複雜性頗高,且導入成本相當昂貴,以致導入ERP系統的企業並非都能順利導入。另一方面,營建業有別於其他產業之處,如無法大量生產、無固定廠房、工期長、進度品質管控不易等特性,故對於資源的規劃自然相異於其他產業。 本研究以個案研究方式,探討營建業在導入ERP系統時,導入動機及目的、導入系統過程所帶來的問題及系統上線後情況,以作為營建產業之借鏡。本研究發現營建業導入ERP系統需考量到公司未來的發展。立即之效益為因為系統整合而減少各部門之間資訊重複性的鍵入及流程的改善。上線後,人員的教育訓練仍須繼續。 Traditionally, the development of information systems for construction industry is step-by-step and each system is only for a specific purpose. Such as estimation, scheduling, financing, salary etc. Through the years, enterprise accumulated lots of transaction data. The problem of data exchange in different information systems is very important and difficult. The enterprise has to spend more resources to maintain the information systems. The idea of Enterprise Resource planning ( ERP ) system is to integrate all the information within a enterprise. As long as a data is input, all modules could use this data. It can be sure the information will be more accurate and updated. An ERP system includes all business models of a enterprise. As a result, the system is very complex and expensive. Not all enterprises can successfully implement a ERP system. Besides, construction industry has some characteristic which are very different from other industries, such as 1. Custom made and one-of-a-kind product. 2. Site dependent, 3. Long delivery duration, and, 4. Difficult quality control etc. Thus the resources planning would be more difficult. Two cases were investigated in this study. The purpose and objective of the company were studied. The problems during implementation were also explored. It is observed that the future development of the company and the system should be considered. The immediate effect of introducing ERP system into a company is the reduction of duplicated input of various kinds of data. The continued training of company employees to fully utilize the system is very important.