橋梁是聯絡兩地經濟與社會成長的脈絡,過往在興建橋梁時由於多僅著重於當下之財務或政策考量,常忽略後續維護所需付出之大量資源,因此造成政府在後續營運維護階段之龐大財政負擔。近年來,在工程建設生命週期成本觀念之推動下,不僅考量興建成本,更將後續之營運維護成本納入評估項目中,以供決策者在橋梁設計規劃階段之參考。 目前新工單位在設計橋梁時,可以選擇鋼橋或預力混凝土橋等方案,但各方案之優劣與生命週期成本甚難評估,故本研究將針對鋼橋與預力混凝土橋梁蒐集各新建與養護單位之成本資料,並透過專家訪談了解不同材質橋梁之特性,進行可量化之生命週期成本之分析比較,並透過敏感度分析瞭解各參數因子對於方案間之影響性。希望藉此橋梁評選模式,提供將來新工單位於設計階段選擇橋梁種類之參考。 The bridge is the key position contacts two places.The bridge design unit only concerned what alternative is economic in past but neglected the after-cost in the bridge life cycle.The bridge’s condition index ,as well as human grows,may be more and more worried about by us.The burden put on the national budget to maintain the entire bridge stocks is becoming increseasingly intense in those developed countries in the world.This thesis will compared with the bridge alternatives,steel bridge and prestressed concrete bridge,for the highway bridge in the design period.The LCCA model-A simple linear deterioration model is then used for predicting the future times and costs required for repairs of a bridge component in its lifetime.This research decided the deterioration ratings and the cost information used by visiting the experts and gathering the past maintainence contracts from the highway section office.The rationale and assumptions,as well as the model developed, and some sensitive analysis about parameters setting are explained in detail in the thesis.Hope the report can provide some help by the case study to choose the highway bridge alternatives.