我國印刷電路板業自1990年興起後,銅面積層板業也隨著開始營運,發展至今已有30餘年的歷史,隨著全球電子資訊業的蓬勃發展,使得系統廠商及週邊零組件廠商對於PCB的需求大幅增加,印刷電路板業變成了資訊產業最重要的基本元件。目前國內的銅面積層板業對於環境管理的部份所採取的對策是通過環境管理系統(ISO-14001)的認證,借由通過認證所需的環境管理措施,來建構企業本身的環境管理系統。 而2004年ISO國際標準組織又於2004年11月15日正式公布新版的ISO 14001:2004,國際認證論壇(IAF)也發佈公告,已取得ISO 14001:1996證書者,必須在2006年5月14日前完成新版標準轉換。新版的ISO 14001的要求重點,是建立適當的管理機制以提昇管理績效及運作績效,並向永續發展延伸,所以建構環境績效指標成為了重點。 雖然ISO-14001環境管理系統中,對於輸入(環境考量面)、輸出 (目標、標的及方案)有具體的說明.但無法進行詳細的運作分析,如此產出的環境管理指標的合適性是有疑問的,所以為了建構更整的環境績效指標,提高企業的競爭力及減少能資源的浪費,嘗試以系統的方法來建立銅面積層板業的環境管理指標,以提供企業評估環境績效指標好壞的依據。期望本研究的產出能幫助所有產業進行環境管理決策的參考及增進本身環境管理績效之技術工具,使得企業能夠更深程度的了解企業內部的運作,對於環境管理的推動能夠更有效率及效益。 The phenolic copper clad laminate industry has a history of more than 30 years since its development along with the rising of local printed circuit board(PCB) industry in 1990. Global electronic and information industry is flourishing that stimulates the system manufacturers and the peripheral component manufacturers to maximize their demand for the PCB to such an extent that the PCB has become the paramount basic element. To respond to the environment management, the manufacturers in local phenolic copper clad laminate industry currently adopts such policy as obtaining authentication of the environment management system (ISO-14001) where they build the corporate environment management through fulfilling related requirements. However, the International Standard Organization (ISO) officially announced the updated version of ISO 14001:2004 on 15th November 2004. In addition, the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) also bulletins to require those who are accredited with ISO 14001:1996 to convert their certificate into the updated version by 14th May 2006. The updated version of ISO 14001 focuses on setting up the environment performance indicators through building optimal management mechanism so as to elevate management and operation efficiencies, and to sustain development over the long term. There are specific descriptions of input (construct of environment considerations) and output (goal, objective and project) in the environment management system ISO-14001; it is impossible to proceed detailed analysis on the operation though. Consequently, the environment management indicators that are output under the circumstance have questionable applicability. Therefore, with the aim to set up more complete environment performance indicators to elevate the corporate competitiveness and reduce consumption of the resources, an approach, which utilizes systematic method to build environment management indicators of the phenolic copper clad laminate industry so as to provide a basis for justifying quality of the environment management indicators, is addressed. It is anticipated that achievements of the study could be of important reference for the industry in making decision on environment management and in enhancing the technical tools of environment management performance so as to obtain extreme comprehension on corporate internal operation and to maximize efficiency and effectiveness of promoting the environment management.