摘要: | 本研究主要是將無線射頻辨識(Radio Frequency Identification,簡稱RFID)技術應用在學校實驗室廢液的管理,以有效的掌握廢液的種類、數量與流向,使得所有學校實驗室廢液從產源到最終處置均能妥善的追蹤及管理,避免因為廢液的錯誤處置而危害到人員生命的安全與環境永續的發展。 經由分析、設計與實施的系統開發方法,並依循系統化、邏輯化的步驟進行本研究,應用企業資源規劃之觀念,建構一套整合學校、清除機構與處理機構之學校實驗室廢液管理系統。並以國立大學100間產生廢液的實驗室進行實場測試,實驗成果證明本系統能有效的掌握廢液的種類、數量與流向,使所有實驗室廢液從產源到最終處理均能達到百分之百嚴密的管理。研究成果可提供未來各校廢棄物管理之應用。 本研究成功的將RFID整合到網站資料庫的系統,經由RFID標籤提供了人員、物品及地點等身份辨識。透過RFID讀取器的讀寫系統,將實驗室廢液清理各階段的辨識與資料讀寫,自動整合至實驗室廢液管理系統中。同時由實驗室問卷的調查結果中也發現學校廢液的分類達8大類36種,顯示出學校實驗廢液的多樣少量的複雜特性。 本研究由導入RFID技術的實驗室廢液管理系統建構開始,未來可延伸至學校實驗室化學品管理,並可將學校實驗室廢液管理模式推廣至產業界,達成全面性環境管理及永續發展之目的。 The research refers to applying Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology to efficiently manage the liquid waste from college labs by monitoring the type, amount and transportation so that all of the liquid waste, from production to disposal, can be traced and managed properly, which could also avoid harming human body and the environment. A liquid waste management system for labs, colleges, and the disposal agencies, was developed following the analysis, design, systematic implementation process, and logical investigation. The experiment was operated at 100 of national universities’ labs which produce liquid wastes. The results showed that the system could efficiently manage the type, amount and transportation of the liquid waste from production to disposal. The results were also expected to be applied to the management of waste in other college labs. The research successfully integrated RFID technology into web-based database system. Applying the information, including the identification of personnel, material, and location, collected by RFID readers from RFID tags, the system could automatically integrate the data into the labs’ existing liquid waste management system. From the questionnaire to the labs, the researcher also found the high variety (36 types with in 8 main categories), low volume nature of liquid waste, which highly increased the complexity of the management system. The research, which introduced the RFID technology to construct a liquid waste management system for the labs, can be applied to the management of chemicals in college labs and has the potential to be further extended to the industrial circles in order to achieve the goal of comprehensive environmental management and incessant development |