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    2009 SPITZER 24 mu m IMAGES OF PLANETARY NEBULAE Chu,YH; Gruendl,RA; Guerrero,MA; Su,KYL; Bilikova,J; Cohen,M; Parker,QA; Volk,K; Caulet,A; Chen,WP; Hora,JL; Rauch,T
    2009 SWIFT GRB GRB071010B: OUTLIER OF THE E-peak(src)-E-gamma AND E-iso-E-peak(src)-t(jet)(src) CORRELATIONS Urata,Y; Huang,KY; Im,M; Lee,I; Deng,JS; Ip,W; Krimm,H; Liping,X; Ohno,M; Qiu,YL; Sugita,S; Tashiro,M; Wei,JY; Yamaoka,K; Zheng,WK
    2009 TandEM: Titan and Enceladus mission Coustenis,A; Atreya,SK; Balint,T; Brown,RH; Dougherty,MK; Ferri,F; Fulchignoni,M; Gautier,D; Gowen,RA; Griffith,CA; Gurvits,LI; Jaumann,R; Langevin,Y; Leese,MR; Lunine,JI; Mckay,CP; Moussas,X; Muller-Wodarg,I; Neubauer,F; Owen,TC; Raulin,F; Sittler,EC; Sohl,F; Sotin,C; Tobie,G; Tokano,T; Turtle,EP; Wahlund,JE; Waite,JH; Baines,KH; Blamont,J; Coates,AJ; Dandouras,I; Krimigis,T; Lellouch,E; Lorenz,RD; Morse,A; Porco,CC; Hirtzig,M; Saur,J; Spilker,T; Zarnecki,JC; Choi,E; Achilleos,N; Amils,R; Annan,P; Atkinson,DH; Benilan,Y; Bertucci,C; Bezard,B; Bjoraker,GL; Blanc,M; Boireau,L; Bouman,J; Cabane,M; Capria,MT; Chassefiere,E; Coll,P; Combes,M; Cooper,JF; Coradini,A; Crary,F; Cravens,T; Daglis,IA; de Angelis,E; de Bergh,C; de Pater,I; Dunford,C; Durry,G; Dutuit,O; Fairbrother,D; Flasar,FM; Fortes,AD; Frampton,R; Fujimoto,M; Galand,M; Grasset,O; Grott,M; Haltigin,T; Herique,A; Hersant,F; Hussmann,H; Ip,W; Johnson,R; Kallio,E; Kempf,S; Knapmeyer,M; Kofman,W; Koop,R; Kostiuk,T; Krupp,N; Kuppers,M; Lammer,H; Lara,LM; Lavvas,P; Le Mouelic,S; Lebonnois,S; Ledvina,S; Li,J; Livengood,TA; Lopes,RM; Lopez-Moreno,JJ; Luz,D; Mahaffy,PR; Mall,U; Martinez-Frias,J; Marty,B; McCord,T; Salvan,C; Milillo,A; Mitchell,DG; Modolo,R; Mousis,O; Nakamura,M; Neish,CD; Nixon,CA; Mvondo,D; Orton,G; Paetzold,M; Pitman,J; Pogrebenko,S; Pollard,W; Prieto-Ballesteros,O; Rannou,P; Reh,K; Richter,L; Robb,FT; Rodrigo,R; Rodriguez,S; Romani,P; Bermejo,M; Sarris,ET; Schenk,P; Schmitt,B; Schmitz,N; Schulze-Makuch,D; Schwingenschuh,K; Selig,A; Sicardy,B; Soderblom,L; Spilker,LJ; Stam,D; Steele,A; Stephan,K; Strobel,DF; Szego,K; Szopa,C; Thissen,R; Tomasko,MG; Toublanc,D; Vali,H; Vardavas,I; Vuitton,V; West,RA; Yelle,R; Young,EF
    2009 The GASP-WEBT monitoring of 3C 454.3 during the 2008 optical-to-radio and gamma-ray outburst Villata,M; Raiteri,CM; Gurwell,MA; Larionov,VM; Kurtanidze,OM; Aller,MF; Lahteenmaki,A; Chen,WP; Nilsson,K; Agudo,I; Aller,HD; Arkharov,AA; Bach,U; Bachev,R; Beltrame,P; Benitez,E; Buemi,CS; Bottcher,M; Calcidese,P; Capezzali,D; Carosati,D; Da Rio,D; Di Paola,A; Dolci,M; Dultzin,D; Forne,E; Gomez,JL; Hagen-Thorn,VA; Halkola,A; Heidt,J; Hiriart,D; Hovatta,T; Hsiao,HY; Jorstad,SG; Kimeridze,GN; Konstantinova,TS; Kopatskaya,EN; Koptelova,E; Leto,P; Ligustri,R; Lindfors,E; Lopez,JM; Marscher,AP; Mommert,M; Mujica,R; Nikolashvili,MG; Palma,N; Pasanen,M; Roca-Sogorb,M; Ros,JA; Roustazadeh,P; Sadun,AC; Saino,J; Sigua,LA; Sorcia,M; Takalo,LO; Tornikoski,M; Trigilio,C; Turchetti,R; Umana,G
    2009 THE JUNE 2008 FLARE OF MARKARIAN 421 FROM OPTICAL TO TeV ENERGIES Donnarumma,I; Vittorini,V; Vercellone,S; Del Monte,E; Feroci,M; D'Ammando,F; Pacciani,L; Chen,AW; Tavani,M; Bulgarelli,A; Giuliani,A; Longo,F; Pucella,G; Argan,A; Barbiellini,G; Boffelli,F; Caraveo,P; Cattaneo,PW; Cocco,V; Costa,E; De Paris,G; Di Cocco,G; Evangelista,Y; Fiorini,M; Froysland,T; Frutti,M; Fuschino,F; Galli,M; Gianotti,F; Labanti,C; Lapshov,I; Lazzarotto,F; Lipari,P; Marisaldi,M; Mastropietro,M; Mereghetti,S; Morelli,E; Morselli,A; Pellizzoni,A; Perotti,F; Picozza,P; Porrovecchio,G; Prest,M; Rapisarda,M; Rappoldi,A; Rubini,A; Soffitta,P; Trifoglio,M; Trois,A; Vallazza,E; Zambra,A; Zanello,D; Pittori,C; Santolamazza,P; Verrecchia,F; Giommi,P; Colafrancesco,S; Salotti,L; Villata,M; Raiteri,CM; Chen,WP; Efimova,NV; Jordan,B; Konstantinova,TS; Koptelova,E; Kurtanidze,OM; Larionov,VM; Ros,JA; Sadun,AC; Anderhub,H; Antonelli,LA; Antoranz,P; Backes,M; Baixeras,C; Balestra,S; Barrio,JA; Bartko,H; Bastieri,D; Gonzalez,JB; Becker,JK; Bednarek,W; Berger,K; Bernardini,E; Biland,A; Bock,RK; Bonnoli,G; Bordas,P; Tridon,DB; Bosch-Ramon,V; Bretz,T; Britvitch,I; Camara,M; Carmona,E; Chilingarian,A; Commichau,S; Contreras,JL; Cortina,J; Costado,MT; Covino,S; Curtef,V; Dazzi,F; De Angelis,A; Del Pozo,ED; Reyes,RD; De Lotto,B; De Maria,M; De Sabata,F; Mendez,CD; Dominguez,A; Dorner,D; Doro,M; Elsaesser,D; Errando,M; Ferenc,D; Fernandez,E; Firpo,R; Fonseca,MV; Font,L; Galante,N; Lopez,RJG; Garczarczyk,M; Gaug,M; Goebel,F; Hadasch,D; Hayashida,M; Herrero,A; Hohne-Monch,D; Hose,J; Hsu,CC; Huber,S; Jogler,T; Kranich,D; La Barbera,A; Laille,A; Leonardo,E; Lindfors,E; Lombardi,S; Lopez,M; Lorenz,E; Majumdar,P; Maneva,G; Mankuzhiyil,N; Mannheim,K; Maraschi,L; Mariotti,M; Martinez,M; Mazin,D; Meucci,M; Meyer,M; Miranda,JM; Mirzoyan,R; Moldon,J; Moles,M; Moralejo,A; Nieto,D; Nilsson,K; Ninkovic,J; Oya,I; Paoletti,R; Paredes,JM; Pasanen,M; Pascoli,D; Pauss,F; Pegna,RG; Perez-Torres,MA; Persic,M; Peruzzo,L; Prada,F; Prandini,E; Puchades,N; Raymers,A; Rhode,W; Ribo,M; Rico,J; Rissi,M; Robert,A; Rugamer,S; Saggion,A; Saito,TY; Salvati,M; Sanchez-Conde,M; Sartori,P; Satalecka,K; Scalzotto,V; Scapin,V; Schweizer,T; Shayduk,M; Shinozaki,K; Shore,SN; Sidro,N; Sierpowska-Bartosik,A; Sillanpaa,A; Sitarek,J; Sobczynska,D; Spanier,F; Stamerra,A; Stark,LS; Takalo,L; Tavecchio,F; Temnikov,P; Tescaro,D; Teshima,M; Tluczykont,M; Torres,DF; Turini,N; Vankov,H; Venturini,A; Vitale,V; Wagner,RM; Wittek,W; Zabalza,V; Zandanel,F; Zanin,R; Zapatero,J; Acciari,V; Aliu,E; Arlen,T; Beilicke,M; Benbow,W; Bradbury,SM; Buckley,JH; Bugaev,V; Butt,Y; Byrum,K; Cannon,A; Cesarini,A; Chow,YC; Ciupik,L; Cogan,P; Colin,P; Cui,W; Daniel,MK; Dickherber,R; Duke,C; Ergin,T; Fegan,SJ; Finley,JP; Finnegan,G; Fortin,P; Furniss,A; Gall,D; Gillanders,GH; Guenette,R; Gyuk,G; Grube,J; Hanna,D; Holder,J; Horan,D; Hui,CM; Humensky,TB; Imran,A; Kaaret,P; Karlsson,N; Kertzman,M; Kieda,D; Kildea,J; Konopelko,A; Krawczynski,H; Krennrich,F; Lang,MJ; LeBohec,S; Maier,G; McCann,A; McCutcheon,M; Milovanovic,A; Moriarty,P; Nagai,T; Ong,RA; Otte,AN; Pandel,D; Perkins,JS; Pichel,A; Pohl,M; Ragan,K; Reyes,LC; Reynolds,PT; Roache,E; Rose,HJ; Schroedter,M; Sembroski,GH; Smith,AW; Steele,D; Swordy,SP; Theiling,M; Toner,JA; Valcarcel,L; Varlotta,A; Wakely,SP; Ward,JE; Weekes,TC; Weinstein,A; Williams,DA; Wissel,S; Wood,M; Zitzer,B
    2009 The pulsating hot subdwarf Balloon 090100001: results of the 2005 multisite campaign Baran,A; Oreiro,R; Pigulski,A; Hernandez,FP; Ulla,A; Reed,MD; Rodriguez-Lopez,C; Moskalik,P; Kim,SL; Chen,WP; Crowe,R; Siwak,M; Armendarez,L; Binder,PM; Choo,KJ; Dye,A; Eggen,JR; Garrido,R; Gonzalez Perez,JM; Harms,SL; Huang,FY; Koziel,D; Lee,HT; MacDonald,J; Fox Machado,L; Monserrat,T; Stevick,J; Stewart,S; Terry,D; Zhou,AY; Zola,S
    2009 The Taiwanese-American Occultation Survey: The Multi-Telescope Robotic Observatory Lehner,MJ; Wen,CY; Wang,JH; Marshall,SL; Schwamb,ME; Zhang,ZW; Bianco,FB; Giammarco,J; Porrata,R; Alcock,C; Axelrod,T; Byun,YI; Chen,WP; Cook,KH; Dave,R; King,SK; Lee,T; Lin,HC; Wang,SY; Rice,JA; De Pater,I
    2009 The TAOS Project: High-Speed Crowded Field Aperture Photometry Zhang,ZW; Kim,DW; Wang,JH; Lehner,MJ; Chen,WP; Byun,YI; Alcock,C; Axelrod,T; Bianco,FB; Coehlo,NK; Cook,KH; Dave,R; de Pater,I; Giammarco,J; King,SK; Lee,T; Lin,HC; Marshall,SL; Porrata,R; Protopapas,P; Rice,JA; Schwamb,ME; Wang,SY; Wen,CY
    2009 The X-ray properties of the energetic pulsar PSR J1838-0655 Lin,LCC; Takata,J; Hwang,CY; Liang,JS
    2009 UPPER LIMITS ON THE NUMBER OF SMALL BODIES IN SEDNA-LIKE ORBITS BY THE TAOS PROJECT Wang,JH; Lehner,MJ; Zhang,ZW; Bianco,FB; Alcock,C; Chen,WP; Axelrod,T; Byun,YI; Coehlo,NK; Cook,KH; Dave,R; de Pater,I; Porrata,R; Kim,DW; King,SK; Lee,T; Lin,HC; Lissauer,JJ; Marshall,SL; Protopapas,P; Rice,JA; Schwamb,ME; Wang,SY; Wen,CY
    2009 WEBT multiwavelength monitoring and XMM-Newton observations of BL Lacertae in 2007-2008 Unveiling different emission components Raiteri,CM; Villata,M; Capetti,A; Aller,MF; Bach,U; Calcidese,P; Gurwell,MA; Larionov,VM; Ohlert,J; Nilsson,K; Strigachev,A; Agudo,I; Aller,HD; Bachev,R; Benitez,E; Berdyugin,A; Bottcher,M; Buemi,CS; Buttiglione,S; Carosati,D; Charlot,P; Chen,WP; Dultzin,D; Forne,E; Fuhrmann,L; Gomez,JL; Gupta,AC; Heidt,J; Hiriart,D; Hsiao,WS; Jelinek,M; Jorstad,SG; Kimeridze,GN; Konstantinova,TS; Kopatskaya,EN; Kostov,A; Kurtanidze,OM; Lahteenmaki,A; Lanteri,L; Larionova,LV; Leto,P; Latev,G; Le Campion,JF; Lee,CU; Ligustri,R; Lindfors,E; Marscher,AP; Mihov,B; Nikolashvili,MG; Nikolov,Y; Ovcharov,E; Principe,D; Pursimo,T; Ragozzine,B; Robb,RM; Ros,JA; Sadun,AC; Sagar,R; Semkov,E; Sigua,LA; Smart,RL; Sorcia,M; Takalo,LO; Tornikoski,M; Trigilio,C; Uckert,K; Umana,G; Valcheva,A; Volvach,A
    2008 A new activity phase of the blazar 3C 454.3 Multifrequency observations by the WEBT and XMM-Newton in 2007-2008 Raiteri,C. M.; Villata,M.; Larionov,V. M.; Gurwell,M. A.; Chen,W. P.; Kurtanidze,O. M.; Aller,M. F.; Bottcher,M.; Calcidese,P.; Hroch,F.; Lahteenmaki,A.; Lee,C. -U.; Nilsson,K.; Ohlert,J.; Papadakis,I. E.; Agudo,I.; Aller,H. D.; Angelakis
    2008 A parameterization study of the properties of the X-ray dips in the low-mass X-ray binary X1916-053 Hu,Chin-Ping; Chou,Yi; Chung,Yi-Ying
    2008 A surface thermal model and exospheric ballistic transport code of planet Mercury Wang,Y. -C.; Ip,W. -H.
    2008 Aeronomy of Extra-Solar Giant Planets Yelle,Roger; Lammer,Helmut; Ip,Wing-Huen
    2008 Amino acids produced from the ultraviolet/extreme-ultraviolet irradiation of naphthalene in a H2O+NH3 ice mixture Chen,Y. -J.; Nuevo,M.; Yih,T. -S.; Ip,W. -H.; Fung,H. -S.; Cheng,C. -Y.; Tsai,H. -R.; Wu,C. -Y. R.
    2008 Characterizing and navigating small bodies with imaging data Gaskell,R. W.; Barnouin-Jha,O. S.; Scheeres,D. J.; Konopliv,A. S.; Mukai,T.; Abe,S.; Saito,J.; Ishiguro,M.; Kubota,T.; Hashimoto,T.; Kawaguchi,J.; Yoshikawa,M.; Shirakawa,K.; Kominato,T.; Hirata,N.; Demura,H.
    2008 Danger in interpreting the 2-micron band of reflectance spectra of small asteroids: A lesson from Hayabusa/NIRS data of Itokawa Hiroi,T.; Abe,M.; Nimura,T.; Kitazato,K.; Abe,S.; Takagi,Y.; Sasaki,S.; Ishiguro,M.
    2008 De-excitation C and O lines and the 511 keV annihilation line from Sgr A Dogiel,V. A.; Cheng,K-S.; Chernyshov,D. O.; Tatischeff,V.; Koe,C. M.; Ip,W. H.
    2008 Energy of homogeneous cosmologies Nester,James M.; So,Lau Loi; Vargas,T.
    2008 Exospheres and Atmospheric Escape Johnson,R. E.; Combi,M. R.; Fox,J. L.; Ip,W. -H.; Leblanc,F.; McGrath,M. A.; Shematovich,V. I.; Strobel,D. F.; Waite,J. H.,Jr.
    2008 Exospheric heating by pickup ions at Titan Tseng,W. -L.; Ip,W. -H.; Kopp,A.

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