焚化是我國處理都市垃圾的主要方法,近十年來政府積極推動焚化廠興建計畫,目前操作營運及計畫興建的焚化廠即有三十六座。台灣位於環太平洋地震帶上,地震頻傳,為因應焚化廠因地震引致的災害,本計畫針對焚化廠地震災變管理及復舊對策進行分析探討。本計畫透過參訪國內營運中的焚化廠,蒐集現有災害應變程序,根據我國防災體系及相關法令,擬定焚化廠地震災變管理的組織架構。包括負責災前的『災害管理委員會』、災中的『災害緊急應變小組』及災後之『復舊小組』。並訂定各執掌之工作內容。災害管理委員會主要工作為災前準備,包括:訂定焚化廠災害防救計畫、建立救援資料庫,擬定緊急應變作業程序、人員培訓及執行防震災演習。災害緊急應變小組主要任務為執行災害搶救及避免二次災害的發生。復舊小組主要的職權在於災情快速診斷及復舊計畫的研擬。本計畫對於焚化廠地震災害型態、各類災害的緊急應變作業程序、災害評估項目、監測方法及我國復舊經費審計制度,亦有詳細的探討,以期對焚化廠的地震災害能有效的管理。台灣河川坡陡水急,集流時間短,下游多為平原,且由於夏秋兩季,受颱風及西南氣流之影響,常有颱風雨或暴雨,造成河川中下游地區嚴重的水患,平均每年損失達百億元。防災國家型科技計畫辦公室防洪研究群已完成台灣本島22縣市潛勢圖之分析與製作[1]。淹水潛勢圖係分別依據日暴雨量150、300、450及600公厘利用電腦模式模擬各縣市之淹水狀況,製作淹水潛勢圖。 The major measure of urban solid waste treatment is through incineration. In the recent decade, some 36 incinerators are either built/operated or under planning, due to the government policy to accelerate this practice. However, taking into account the frequent earthquake threats in the Pacific region, especially Taiwan, it becomes obvious that a disaster management and recovery plan in the case of earthquake is essential for each single incinerator plant. The purpose of this study is to perform such analysis based on extensive interviews regarding the existing plants and reviews of current regulations on damage response procedures as well as recovery plans. This report describes the current organizing structure for the earthquake damage management in an incinerator plant. Such organizing structure includes a regular damage management committee operated on a daily bases, an emergency damage response unit dealing with the disaster while it occurs, and a recovery unit taking charge of the issues after the strike of the earthquake. To be more specific, the major tasks of the damage management committee includes defining damage prevention and rescue plan; establishing rescue databank; writing up emergency response operation procedures; training personals and conducing earthquake practice. Furthermore, the responsibility of an emergency damage response unit is to enforce damage remediation and prevent further damages. A recovery unit rapidly diagnoses the severity of the damage and come up with the recovery plan. This report provides an insight in formulating effective management practice through discussing and reviewing the types of damages, the effective emergency operation procedures, the items on the damage assessment, the monitoring methods, and the official evaluation system on recovery budget in this country. 研究期間:9008 ~ 9011