本計畫主要目的是利用遙測影像及相關GIS資料來進行遙測技術於高速鐵路規劃,施工期間可能的應用評估。其結果將作為高鐵未來使用遙測資料及技術於實際應用及長期監測之參考。評估項目將包含︰規劃階段的路線模擬,沿線水土保持及土地利用等環境變遷,施工進度、施工安全及工程品質之監測管理。 The main objective of this proposal is to employ the remote sensing images and the related GIS data to assess the practical application of the remote sensing techniques to the planning and contraction of high speed rail (HSR). The results will provide the operative recommendation and reference for HSR when using remote sensing as the monitoring tools. The assessment will contain the route simulation, change detection of the environment along the rail line, as well as the monitoring and management of scheduling progress, the site safety, and the quality control of HSR’ construction process. 研究領域:8903~ 9002