本研究針對國內公共工程建設相關單位研究方向重疊、成果未共享及研發資源與人力浪費,亦未有專責機構進行整體規劃與整合,以致產生各機關各行其事等問題,進行研究與探討,主要工作內容如下:1、 瞭解國內公共工程研發規劃之方向與重點。 2、 瞭解國內重要工程與研發單位近三年研究方向與重點並分析研發資源運用與人力投入之現況。 3、 瞭解國內產、官、學、研各界對未來公共工程研發資源投入與研發人力運用的看法與整合分配之建議。 4、 提出整合研發資源之方案與架構,並建議工程會在方案中扮演之角色與在方案架構中之定位,及未來工程會推動公共工程研發近、中、長程各階段具體做法。 5、 依據第二項所收集之資料建立公共工程研發資源資料庫(可查詢、修改研發內容、經費及人力等之單機版系統) This research concerns the various impacts of a major earthquake on infrastructure systems. It encompasses the quantification of earthquake risks and managerial actions of such risks to be taken as part of governance. The main tasks in the research includes: 1.Establishing a nationwide earthquake hazard analysis model. 2. Investigating the impact as well as the potential damages of a major earthquake on a variety of infrastructure systems. 3. Constructing a model to quantify earthquake risks. 4. Defining a standard procedure for earthquake risks management. 5. Delivering a case study for demonstration. 6. Offering recommendations concerning major earthquake bonds or insurance within the research scope. 研究領域:8901 ~ 8911