本建議書利用雷達衛星(Radatsat) Emergency Response Subscription Service(RERSS)緊急救災接收影像機制,建置Radarsat-1雷達衛星影像資料庫,配合現地調查與水資源資料,進行水災監測案例測試,以評估其可行性。本建議書所列舉之工作其規格、時程、目標及交付項目悉依招標規範相關規定。 This proposal intends to utilize the Emergency Response Subscription Service(RERSS) devised by Rasarsat to establish satellite radar imagery data base in associated with the ground truth collections and the relevant hydrologic data base, for evaluating the feasibility its use in flood monitor. The specifications, timeline, schedule, items, and deliveries listed in this proposal are all complied with the requirements. 研究領域:8907 ~ 8912