摘要: | 我國自一九九O 年代以來進行一連串的憲政改革運動,國民大會完成了六次憲法修正(其中第五次修憲條文被司法院大法官宣告無效)。本研究採取中華民國憲法性質因為兩岸分裂而曖昧不明,其正當性逐漸衰變的角度切入,以公法研究為核心,整合新制度主義、轉型憲政主義、民主化與認同政治等幾個研究途徑,提出「憲法定位與兩岸關係」、「制度安排與權力基礎」兩大分析面向。經由蒐集報章雜誌、各種修憲史料、已有之專著與政府機關文書,企圖對六次修憲提出完整的論述架構,論證此六次修憲是因為中華民國憲法定位的壓力,必須加以調整。此一調整,帶動了連鎖性的修憲,同時牽動了制度安排、權力基礎與兩岸關係;接著因為制度的調整之後,影響了兩岸關係與權力基礎;而權力基礎的改變,也進一步影響了憲法的定位。 Since the 1990s our country has procede a series of constitutional reform movement, and the Nation Assembly has accomplished six times of constitution amendments (the articles of the fifth amendment was invalidated by the Grand Jury). This research enacts the approach of the declining legitimacy of the R.O.C constitution which was because the ambiguity of the nature of the constitution render from the separation of the two sides. The research centers on public law, combines the approaches of neo-institutionalism, transforming constitutionalism, democratization and identity politics, and presents 「constitution orientation and cross strait relationship」 and 「institutional arrangement and base of power」 these two major analyses. Through collecting news papers and magazines, all kinds of historical records of constitution amendments, existing specialized books and government official documents, I intend to present a complete analysis structure of proving that these six times of amendments were engaged under the pressure of the need of orientation and adjusting the constitution. This adjustment brought about a series of constitution amendments and has its implication with institutional arrangement, base of power and cross strait relationship. Institutional adjustment influenced cross strait relationship and base of power, and the change of base of power influenced the orientation of the constitution. 研究期間:9308 ~ 9407 |