摘要: | 郭象《莊子注》的研究成果相當豐碩,亦各有不同的理解。本論文的研究途徑有二:一者,透過對當代郭象《莊子注》研究的反省,提出觀點依據主要是唐君毅、牟宗三二位先生之理解,即是認為郭象《莊子注》的義理並非就著現實世界的客觀對象上來說,而是關涉於主體的心靈境界。二者,提出郭象《莊子注》之註解方式與架構,有一解消彼此對立的特徵,並表現為對兩相對等的概念之衝突予以解消,與對價值高下觀念之對立予以消融二者,而此二者的內容展現皆匯歸於「自然」一義。所謂順任自然,乃是一關涉主體修證之事,是將有心造作、成見私意化除,而顯出一自然自得、逍遙無待之境;並且若真達自然之境,亦不見真俗之扞隔,即俗而真,不見天人之對立,即人顯天。 此一在主體無心修養下解消渾化執著對立,而即殊異以顯自然意義之思路,展示在人生論為即才性而自得,即小大而逍遙,此便是即迹即冥、迹冥圓融之「迹冥論」;展示在政治觀為即才能職分而各得自為,此方是無為而治之實義,由之可見出郭象之「名教論」;展示在形上學為即實有而顯無境,即萬物而呈現自生自爾、獨化於玄冥之意義,此為郭象「獨化論」之意義。如此,郭象玄理便表現出一通過主體無心虛忘之修養與境界為根據,以及對客觀世界種種殊異不齊之涵容存全,而顯發出各個主體即客觀世界之殊異不同而呈現其自在自然、沖虛無待之意義,此可謂是一即主觀即客觀的圓融玄境。 Previous studies about Guo Xiang's Commentary on the Zhuangzi were very enormous, and different explanations has been proposed in these researches. In this study, we analyzed Guo Xiang's Commentary on the Zhuangzi from three approaches as follows. Firstly, we illustrated and discussed contemporary studies about Guo Xiang's Commentary on the Zhuangzi, and considered that the theories of Profs. Tang Jun-yi and Mou Tsung-san were appropriate to interpret Guo Xiang's Commentary on the Zhuangzi. The main point was that the Guo Xiang's thought was not the explanation for empirical objects, but the presentation on the state of self-cultivation. Secondly, we proposed the method and the framework of Guo Xiang's Commentary that were characterized as dissolving antagonisms of concepts and opinions. Guo Xiang dissolved antagonisms through the self-cultivation of "No Mind". The self-cultivation of "No Mind" eliminated our pretenses, disputes, biases and selfish motives, and made our hearts and minds natural and pure. It should be noted that what Guo Xiang dissolved was the persistence of antagonisms, and he erased neither concepts and opinions nor empirical objects and the empirical world. On the contrary, it was perfect that we identified the state of self-cultivation with the empirical world. Thirdly, we found that the characteristics of Guo Xiang's Commentary on the Zhuangzi can be performed by three aspects, philosophy of life -- the theory of "External and internal harmony" , politics -- the theory of "Ethical Standard" , and metaphysics -- the theory on "Self Creation". On the philosophy of life, we discussed the cause of distresses in our life, the method of self-cultivation, the presentation on the state of self-cultivation, and concepts of knowing / innocence, natural gifts, "No Mind", self-realization / self-ease, and "Absolute Freedom ". On politics, the main discussion was concepts of "Wuwei". On metaphysics, we discussed concepts of "You ", "Wu", "Tao", "Self Creation", "Hsuan-ming ". Finally, some discussion and recommendations were proposed in this study. |