Abstract: | 《婦女樂園》是左拉的《盧貢-馬卡爾家族》系列中的第十一本小說。書中的場景及情節圍繞在由作者所塑造出、十九世紀中期,巴黎的一間百貨公司—婦女樂園。本文以幸福為出發,試圖探討作者筆下的百貨公司,這一現代消費社會下的產物與幸福間的關係。在第一章節中,十九世紀布爾喬亞階級的堀起,改變了幸福的概念。對此一階級而言,家庭的安穏舒適與體面即是幸福,因為物質生活的豐富、享受及擁有,加速了百貨公司在第二帝國時期的蓬勃發展。第二章節,從真實到想像,探討左拉如何把對社會的觀察轉換成小說內容。作者用一貫的寫作方法,實地訪察當時的兩大百貨公司—真實的世界,這些資料為文本提供了豐富的細節。之後,再利用女主角的觀點把各個不同場景串連起來—想像的世界。第三章節則由描寫文理論來探討文本中的字、句子,如何帶來幸福的幻覺。百貨公司的櫥窗玻璃分隔了兩個截然不同的世界:明亮豪華的百貨公司及凋零淒慘的周圍小店。藉由老闆Mouret的經營手法,女性顧客們在〈婦女樂園〉裡不僅像是皇后,也正在經歷一場美妙的旅程。第四章節中分析了書中五位女性顧客,她們雖有良好的身世、家庭,看似享受在百貨公司挑挑揀揀的樂趣,但其實各自有各自的煩惱。將其對比於女主角Denise,我們了解到物質享受不能帶來心靈上的滿足。透過《婦女樂園》,左拉不僅詮釋了達爾文理論中優勝劣敗的生存法則,也表達現代化社會以理性目的為重的結果,使得一切生活細節都受到經濟生產操控。欲望雖自古有之,但現代邏輯是不但加速與製造假需求,因而幸福要不斷更新。 Au bonheur des dames, the eleventh volume of the Rougon-Macquart series, is a novel about a Parisian department store named “Au Bonheur des Dames”, created and imagined by Emile Zola. The purpose of the study is to investigate the relation between the department store and the happiness.In chapter one, the rise of the bourgeois class during the nineteenth century changed the concept of happiness. For the middle-class, the life of ease and comfort is an important value, which accelerates the development of department stores during the Second Empire. The second chapter focuses on the reality and the imaginary of this novel. The author studied two contemporary department stores — the real world. After the accomplishment of this work of investigation, the focalization of the heroine, Denise, is a key which relates the scenes and plots in Au bonheur des dames — the imaginary world.In the third chapter, we apply the theory of description to find out how the words and the phrases in this novel bring the illusion of happiness. The mirrors of the department store create two different worlds: the enlightened, gorgeous store and the dark, miserable small neighbor retailing houses. Because of the operations of the boss, Mouret, the clients think that they are the queens and are experiencing a wonderful voyage in “Au Bonheur des Dames”.The fourth chapter deals with the analysis of the five female clients in the novel. They seem to enjoy shopping in the department store; however, compared with the heroine, the material comforts won’t bring the spiritual peace and the real happiness.Through Au bonheur des dames, Zola demonstrates the life-and-death struggle on the society. Besides, he also illustrates the importance of the rationality on the modern life. Our every day life is manipulated by the logic of economic and mass-production. Even though it’s normal that people have desires, the modern logic is to create the false needs, so, the happiness shall be renewed constantly. |