為因應全球化的趨勢,企業積極增加自己的競爭力。當企業逐漸邁向國際化的同時,透過資訊系統的建置來協助企業經營發展,使得資訊系統的品質越來越重要。另外,台灣軟體產業面對國內競爭激烈,對外又有中國大陸與印度低人力成本的情況下,取得資訊軟體相關認證,來提升企業內部控管專案時程、人力、成本的能力,增加競爭力,已經是必然的趨勢。 而能力成熟度整合模式 (Capability Maturity Model Integration) 則是一個可以改進軟體工程與系統工程的整合模式。是美國軟體工程學院 (Software Engineering Institute, SEI) 致力於開發CMMI,幫助企業解決使用多個能力成熟度模型 (Capability Maturity Model, CMM) 的問題。為了因應市場快速需求,軟體專案發展的標準化,並且能夠確保軟體品質及專案時程,提升競爭力,因此企業紛紛導入CMMI。 本研究透過個案研究法,以個案公司為例,深入了解個案公司在導入CMMI LEVEL 3的過程中,經驗分享與困難點,然後提出解決方案,最後順利取得CMMI LEVEL 3認證,並解評估其導入前後帶來的效益。Facing to the trend of the globalization, enterprises increase actively their competitiveness. When the enterprises gradually toward internationalization, they assist business development through the information system implementation, and making the high quality of information systems becomes more and more important. In addition, software industry in Taiwan is facing of intense domestic competition and the low labor cost situation in outside China or India. It is an inevitable trend to get the software certification and control the project schedule, manpower, cost of capacity. The Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) is an integration model for improving software engineering and systems engineering process. Software Engineering Institute (SEI) is committed to developing CMMI, to help enterprises solve problems in multiple capability maturity model (CMM). Enterprises import CMMI for response to market demand, software project development, standardization, and to ensure software quality and project schedule, to enhance competitiveness. This paper discusses the connotation of CMM and CMMI and understands the experience, difficulty, benefits, solution, during the case company imported the process of CMMI LEVEL 3.