摘要: | 3D立體效果於1833年便出現在市面上,而3D立體電影從1930年首次推上大螢幕之後在1950年代掀起立體電影的拍攝熱潮,於1952年至1955年三年間利用紅藍眼鏡立體顯示技術所製作的立體電影至少在90部以上,因此造就了第一次立體電影的浪潮,雖然之後陸續第二波、第三波的浪潮不斷地掀起,不過皆由於播放內容的製作技術與立體顯示技術兩者的不成熟導致無法與2D平面顯示技術相抗衡而沉寂下來,也因此無法將立體顯示產品與相關技術順利推入市場之中;分析其原因在於要能將此一產品順利導入市場,並無法僅靠單一領域的技術發展便可順利達成,而是需要各相關產業先擁有成熟的技術,再加入上、下游產業結合的策略才可能達到。 在90年代末期IMAX電影院出現在市場之後,隨著數位化的電影播放新技術的成熟發展,使得2009年年底所推出全球的第一部真人全3D電影阿凡達(Avatar)掀起了前所未有的3D巨浪,本研究乃先針對整個3D顯示產業的現有技術及未來市場發展趨勢進行分析,期望利用此波前所未有的3D視聽浪潮與豐富的3D電影資源,規劃出兩家分屬電腦代工業及面板產業的個案公司之短、中、長期新產品共同發展計畫,藉著時勢所趨開發出3D立體顯示之利基商品,進而創造兩家個案公司豐碩的獲利成果。The earlier 3D stereo effect appeared in the market in 1833. Then the first 3D stereoscopic film broadcast in 1930 onto the big screen in the 1950s and it sets off three-dimensional film boom of shoot films. From 1952 to 1955, more than 90 3D stereoscopic films were produced and displayed by using red and blue glasses technology. So that created the first wave of 3D film market. Although the succession second and third wave continued to launch into market. However the poor 3D contents and undeveloped display technology cause 3D film can not match 2D film, so it became silence finally. So it prevented the 3D products and related technologies into the market at that time. We know that it could not be able to promote 3D product into market successfully only rely on a single area of development technology. It needs a thoughtful vertical integration strategy to reach goal in 3D industry. After IMAX theater appeared on the market in the late 90s and digitized movies technology has been developed, the first live-action feature 3D film in the world Avatar raise the unprecedented 3D movie wave at the end in 2009. In this study, we focus on analyzing current technology of 3D display industry and future market trends. Look forward to taking this unprecedented opportunity, especially with rich 3D film resources, planning out a short-term and long-term new 3D product roadmap for both original equipment manufacturing of computer and LCD module industry. In the future, both of the case companies could make huge profit by these niche 3D products which are mentioned in this study. |