駭客任務三部曲是關於人類反抗科技霸權的故事,片中充滿了顛覆的政治性意涵。但這三部電影本身卻又是當代好萊塢最先進科技的結晶。同時,駭客任務三部曲中人類與科技的關係並非傳統二元對立的關係,因此,本文試圖分析駭客任務三部曲中人類與科技的關係以及其背後的政治性訊息。本文首先從駭客任務三部曲中的視覺效果出發,指出本片如何使用先進電腦科技呈現各種從流行文化拼貼而來的元素。再進一步分析駭客任務三部曲作為九零年代末期的賽博朋客(cyberpunk)作品,除了繼承傳統美國賽博朋客,同時也融入日本賽博朋客元素,展現出一種新賽博朋客的共存特質。這個共存特質也可在駭客任務三部曲的敘事結構中發現。本文發現駭客任務三部曲的敘事結構與古典西部片非常類似。兩者都藉由一個擁有雙重特質的英雄來解決衝突的意識型態。在駭客任務三部曲中,除了人類與科技的衝突之外,人性與資本主義的衝突也藉由尼歐這個具有雙重特質的英雄居中協調而達成平衡。因此,本文認為駭客任務三部曲的意識型態傾向並非揚棄科技或顛覆現有體制,而是在資本主義體制下操弄科技以獲得樂趣。 The Matrix trilogy is about mankind’s revolutions against the hegemony of technology. Subversive political messages against technology and current capitalist system are abundant in the trilogy. However, the trilogy itself is the very product of the most advanced technology of Hollywood cinema, a giant capitalist system. Therefore, the complex relationship between humanity and technology along with the political messages are the aims of this thesis. Starting with the visuality in the trilogy, this thesis demonstrates how the pastiches of popular culture elements are achieved by advanced technology. And The Matrix trilogy as a cyberpunk work in the late nineties fuses traditional American cyberpunk with Japanese cyberpunk. This notion of fusion is also demonstrated in the narrative structure of the trilogy. Given the narrative structure of a classical Western, the trilogy relies on a composite hero, who has qualities from the opposite sides, to solve the ideological conflicts. Besides the conflicts between mankind and technology, the conflicts between humanity and capitalism are also solved by Neo the composite hero. Therefore, The Matrix trilogy provides no escape from the matrix of technology and capitalism.