台灣海陸客因祖籍廣東省海豐縣或陸豐縣而得名,近年來兩縣幾乎成為閩南語區,陸河縣儼然成為保留海陸客家話最完整的寶地。本論文以河田腔與新田腔做為陸河客家話的主要語音系統,利用比較法做內部比較外,並與台灣新屋海陸客家話做外部比較。 本論文共分七章。第一章說明研究動機與方法;第二章、第三章介紹陸河客家話的平面語音系統,並與中古音韻做歷時的比較;第四章說明陸河客家話的語音特點;第五章、第六章將陸河客家話與台灣新屋海陸客家話分別做音韻及詞彙的共時比較,音韻系統的分析及詞彙的比較均依聲母、韻母及聲調三方面加以說明;第七章為結論。 經過內部及外部音韻特徵的比較,得到的結論是:陸河客家話河田腔較新田腔存古價值高,而新田腔與新屋海陸客家話差異甚微。Taiwanese Hai-Lu Haka people are named by the hometown name that their ancestors came from, i.e. Haifon and Lufon counties, recently the two counties have become the living area of Hulaw people, hence, Luho county likely becomes the real place to retain genuine Hai-Lu Haka language. This dissertation studies the main language system in Hotien and Hsintien of Luho Haka, and makes the outer comparison between it and Taiwanese Hsinwu Haka, in addition to the internal comparison by means of comparing approach. There are seven chapters in this study; the first chapter introduces research motives and methods; the second and the third chapters describe the flat pronunciation system of Luho Haka, and comparing it with mid-ancient pronunciation; the fourth chapter demonstrates the feature of Luho Haka; the fifth and sixth chapters compare the Luho Haka and Taiwanese Hsinwu Haka, in terms of pronunciation and vocabulary, thereby explaining them through vowel, rhyme and tone; the seventh chapter is a summary. Through the internal and external comparisons, a conclusion may be summarized: In Luho Haka, Hotien tone demonstrates more ancient ways than Hsintien, while the Hsintien has only slight difference with Hsinwu.