摘要: | 摘 要 本文研究的方言點中山鎮位於福建省西部靠近武夷山南端,屬龍巖市武平縣所轄,在古代中山鎮為武平城所在,居住有百餘家姓氏的居民,為大陸地區絕無僅有,究其緣由百姓鎮始於客家人南遷和武平城所的設立有關,南遷的客家人,紛紛聚居於此地,因此被稱為百姓鎮,當地居民所使用的語言稱為武平話(當地稱土話)即客家話,本文旨在研究中山鎮客家話的語音演變現象。 本文探討的內容第一章主要說明研究的動機與目的以及中山鎮的歷史沿革與其語言概況,從事研究所參考的歷史文獻。第二章研究經過深入實地調查當地語言後,來觀察其聲母、韻母、聲調、連續變調及文白異讀的語音現象。第三章探討中山鎮客家話目前的語音演變現象與中古擬音做比較分析,研究其中四十個聲母,十六攝韻母及平、上、去、入四個聲調現在的演變現象。第四章發現中山鎮客家話的語音特點,研究其聲母部分濁音聲母清化的讀音演變為全濁與次清合流現象,在中古的心、生、書母字讀為塞擦音的特色,又在中古的從、崇、船母字讀為擦音的特色,其次濁聲母疑、泥母字的特殊讀音,與精組和見組字顎化之先後發生現象,另有章組聲母合口三等之書、禪母字的特殊讀音及來母字與曉、匣母字讀音的演變。韻母部分研究其中遇、蟹、止三攝的舌尖元音「?」演變合流現象,及在一、二等元音的對比現象,輔音韻尾合流為「?」與「?」及咸、山攝等韻母之演變,聲調部分有部分陰、陽入合併,次濁平歸陰平,次濁入歸陰入及上聲歸類的演變等現象,第五章探討其詞彙特徵與其他客家話的比較,另針對語法的助詞、副詞、語氣詞、動詞及句式研究其特色,第六章結論透過研究比較中山鎮客家話的音韻、詞彙、語法有存古,也有創新演變。ABSTRACT The location of this dialect study is at Chung-San Town which is in Fujian Provience near the south of Wu-Yi Mountains and in charged by Wu-Ping county of Wu-Yen City. In the ancient periods, Chung-San Town was Wu-Ping city and very rarely gathered over one hundred families with their different last names because of Hakka people moving south into the walled city, Wu-Ping, which is called the town lived one hundred families of different last names. The local resident spoke Wu-Ping dialect that is Hakka. The main purpose of this study is focus on pronunciation transient phenomenon of Wu-Ping Hakka. In first chapter, this study expalined the motivation and purpose and states the history and language concept in Chung-San Town, including related historical reference. After deepgoing invertsgation of local language, pronunciation phenomenon of consonant sounds, vowel sounds, tones, continuous changing tones and different pronunciation were observed in second chapter. In the third chapter, the comparison between present pronunciation transient phenomenon and ancient times reconstruction of Hakka in Chung-San Town, including forty consonant sounds, sixteen vowel sounds, foour ping zit tones, and their transitions were shown. Then, the forth chapter discussed the characteristics of pronunciation among consonant sounds, vowel sounds, ping zit tones, and their transitions. Finally, the study of vocabulary characteristics and the comparison among other Hakka were demostrated. In sixth chapter, the briefing statement concluded the result. |