本論文之標題為《新竹饒平客語詞彙研究》,共分為七章。第一章說明研究動機及目的、研究對象和方法。第二章為文獻的研究,有關饒平客語的討論文獻。第三章為音韻描述,針對新竹縣竹北六家、關西、芎林紙寮窩、湖口四個方言點,歸納聲、韻、調之特徵。第四章和第五章將新竹饒平客語同義詞比較後,分析形成同義詞之源流差異、造詞差異、意義差異、構詞差異的原因。第六章將新竹饒平特殊的詞彙,與雲林崙背詔安話、廣東饒洋話、新竹海陸客家話做比較,呈現與原鄉的「源」和在新竹縣的「變」。第七章為結論說明本研究成果與價值。文末附有分類詞表,這是目前對新竹地區的饒平客語,最新的詞彙調查報告。 經過研究發現,四個方言點的基本音韻大致相同,可貴的是保留許多饒平原鄉的語音特色。至於聲調方面可以歸類成兩組,其差別在於去聲,六家的去聲是高平調,而另一組是中升調。在連續變調方面,四個方言點皆有差異,呈現較複雜的情況。在等呼方面,四等字多洪音,關西點是代表。 最後,在詞彙方面,新竹饒平客語有許多饒洋詞彙、詔安詞彙,以及三者共同的詞彙,而‘眏’和‘(一)兜(磚)’,這兩個保守的底層詞,還關係到客家與畬族的歷史。除了以上從原鄉帶來的詞彙外,新竹饒平客經過兩、三百年來,經歷不同人、事、物的變遷,以及和其他次方言的語言接觸下,各地亦有其各自發展、吸收的詞彙,呈現出多元又豐富的面貌。This thesis is concerned with Raoping Hakka lexicon in Hsinchu County and is divided into seven chapters. Chapter one is an introduction that explains the motive, goals, and methodology of the research. The second chapter is the literature review of Raoping Hakka. Chapter three describes the phonology of the four dialects: Liuchia六家 in Chubei City, 關西Kuanhsi Township, 紙寮窩Chihliaowo in Chunglin Township, and 湖口Huk’ou Township. The fourth and fifth chapters compare the differences in the lexicon and morphology of these Raoping Hakka dialects. Chapter six deals with horizontal comparison between Raoping Hakka in Hsinchu and three closely-related dialects: Zhao’an Hakka in Lunpei崙背, Raoyang 饒洋in Guangdong, and Hailu dialect in Hsinchu. The last chapter is the conclusion, and the lexicon of the four dialects is listed in the appendix. There are only minor differences in the phonology among these four dialects. The first one is citation tone value of yangqu: Liuchia shows high level but the other three are mid-rising. Complex tone sandhi phenomena are typical of Raoping Hakka. Hsinchu Raoping, Raoyang and Zhao’an share many words in common. Two of these words ‘ŋiaŋ53’ and ‘teu11’ may reveal the history between Hakka and the畲She. Raoping Hakka dialects in Hsinchu show the signs of language contact with adjacent Hailu dialect but still preserve their unique vocabulary and characteristic phonological traits transmitted from their ancestors hundreds of years ago in varying degrees.