隨著無線通訊的快速發展,使用者對於無線傳輸的需求及品質的要求日益提升。OFDMA通信技術目前是最有可能成為下一代的移動通信系統,然而,在此系統下,細胞間干擾(Inter cell interference)的問題仍是影響傳輸品質與系統容量的因素,尤其是在細胞邊緣的用戶更是明顯。因此,如何改善細胞邊緣用戶及整體細胞的傳輸速率是本論文所要研究與探討的課題。 目前,已有多個文獻在探討如何降低細胞間干擾的問題。本論文中,我們提出彈性式柔性頻率重用,並且藉由調整頻率重用因子、功率分配及封包排程優先權,來改善細胞邊緣用戶的傳輸率。在我們模擬的數據結果顯示,我們的方法可有效增加細胞邊緣用戶之傳輸速率。With the fast development of the wireless communications, the requirement of faster transmission rate has also increased rapidly. The OFDMA technology is considered as a promising candidate for the downlink interface of the next generation wireless systems. However, inter cell interference is an impediment of the throughput performance in the system, especially for Cell Edge Users(CEUs).The main goal is to improve the CEU throughput as well as overall cell throughput. In this thesis, we propose a flexible softer frequency reuse scheme. Several schemes on inter cell interference coordination have been suggested for OFDMA systems. Our algorithm is designed to improve the CEU throughput by optimizing the reuse factor、power factor and packet scheduler priority. From the simulation result, the proposed algorithm can increase the CEU throughput effectively.