此篇論文中,我們討論在單載波分頻多工(SC-FDMA)的系統架構中,如何降低發射訊號的峰值功率比,以避免訊號的失真或浪費放大器的效能。 在本篇論文中,我們改變幾種單載波分頻多工的重要參數並做比較,以期得到最佳的峰值功率比。在本篇文章末節,針對電腦模擬各種不同參數改變的效能結果,作一詳細分析與比較,並針對各演算法在不同系統參數的優缺點做一詳細說明討論。In this paper, we compare the PAPR with different parameters at Single carrier frequency division multiple access (SC-FDMA) system. We also try to reduce the PAPR to avoid signal distortion and improve the efficiency of amplifier. In the paper, we change the precode, subcarrier mapping method and modulation method to compare the PAPR. We use Matlab to simulator the SC-FDMA system and analysis the PAPR result.