過去的線上考試受限於傳統網頁技術,其所能提供的不外乎是選擇、問答等文字模式的考試方式。此外新網站的建置,使得使用者需要在該網站註冊新的帳號密碼,長久下來,眾多的帳號密碼,造成使用者管理網站帳號與密碼的困擾。為了解決上述問題,本論文整合OpenID與RIA (Rich Internet Application) 技術發展了軟體工程題庫與線上考試系統,在此系統中以OpenID實現SSO(Single Sign-On)的概念,並且採用RIA技術,實作出塑模元件,讓線上考試除了選擇與文字題外還可提供繪圖題型。同時我們利用Struts、Hibernate技術設計系統底層架構,讓此系統更具模組化並且提升未來擴充性與可維護性。Most of traditional online exam systems only offer questions in choice and text modes in which users can input answers. However, for Software Engineering courses, software modeling is a crucial knowledge, but it is difficult to provide software modeling exams in existing systems. Moreover, constructing a new web site means that users need to keep a pair of new account and password, which makes them hard to maintain a lot of accounts for different sites. In order to solve above problem, we develop an online examination system that integrates OpenID and RIA (Rich Internet Application) technologies. We adopt OpenID to realize Single Sign-On concept and leverage RIA technology to implement software modeling components for online examining, by which examinees can draw UML diagrams on the Web. For the underlying system framework, we also exploit Struts and Hibernate to enhance the modularization of system and ease the system maintenance.