在數位科技長足發展的近代,為解決紙本資料的保存期限問題,傳統文書與藝術品等創作大量數位化;並隨著電腦日漸普遍,資訊數位化深入現代生活各個層面。這兩者促成「電子書」(E-Book)的產生,改變現代人的閱讀模式。 電子書係指以電子與數位化方式替代傳統紙本圖書的方案,需要額外的閱讀設備來儲存與閱讀,如個人電腦或手持裝置等。相對於傳統實體書,電子書的優勢為方便性與可攜性。由於網路技術的成熟發 展,使得多媒體資訊交流漸漸轉變為網路傳播,電子書的取得因此便捷許多;可攜性方面,以目前儲存技術來說,單一手持閱讀器足以攜帶上百本電子書,與實體書相比大幅節省存放空間,更利於攜帶。然而,經由網路快速散播與分享數位化內容的同時,也產生了非法散佈的問題。這些音樂或電子書的使用者,可能在未經授權的情況下將數位資訊散佈於網路,造成創作人與合法授權使用者的權益受損。 本篇論文希望能實現一個同時具有網路瀏覽器(Web Browser)以及數位權利管理(Digital Right Management)功能的電子書閱讀軟體,讓電子書在發揮其方便性等優勢的條件下,又能防止使用者在未授權的情況下散佈其內容、保護電子書的數位權利。The trend of digitization of paper documents to protect them from decay, and the increasing requirements of information with popularization of computer, have brought out a new reading style called "E-Books." Electronic Books are the kind of books which record their content in digital format rather than papery resource. Compared with traditional, the advantages of E-Books are convenience of acquirement and portability of book les, since they can be multimedia les which are much e ortless to obtain on the Internet; however, unauthorized spread of digital content has been a drawback of digitalized creations, for it is quite easy to share the multimedia information on the Internet illegally. Since the reading requirement of E-Book raises with the restriction of illegal spread on the Internet, we implemented an E-Book Reader software with friendly reading features, web browser to perform the convenience vantage of E-Books, and Digital Right Management to prevent damage of digital right from inappropriate users in this paper.