在本篇論文中利用安德生模型來描述一個單電子電晶體的結構,並且利用非平衡態的格林函數來模擬其理論特性。我們在此分為兩個討論的系統,分別為單一量子點多能階系統與多量子點單一能階系統。在單一量子點多能階系統中,我們主要觀察穿隧電流與偏壓之譜線關係,並且針對殼層填充、殼層穿隧與不同溫度的條件做模擬討論。在多量子點單一能階系統中,我們發現在特定條件下會有負微分電阻現象伴隨調控穿隧電流產生,而此負微分電阻現象會受到溫度的抑制,除此之外也會受到庫倫交互作用與穿隧率的影響。An Anderson model is employed to describe the structure of single electron transistors (SETs). The transport properties of SETs are calculated by the non equilibrium Green’s function method. In this dissertation, the spectroscopy of single quantum dot involving multiple energy levels and of multiple quantum dots involving a single energy level for each dot are studied. In a single quantum dot case, we focus on the behavior of tunneling current with respect to applied bias for the shell-filling and shell-tunneling cases at temperature variation. In the case of multiple quantum dots, we find that the multi-peak negative differential resistance (NDR) behavior can be yielded in the shell-filling case. Such an NDR effect is suppressed by the temperature, Coulomb interaction and tunneling rate.