仰賴於科技的進步,現今人們獲得資訊的方式已經跟以往大不相同,獲 取資訊的方法已經逐漸的從電腦主機轉移到手持系統上。電腦的瀏覽網頁 資訊的方式並不能完全套用到手持系統上,利用手持系統瀏覽一般為了桌 上型主機而做的網頁並不方便。 為此,本研究基於為了令使用者方便瀏覽一般網頁為出發點,希望能將 網頁內容經過適當的切割、重新賦予標題並進行叢集分類之後能更容易符 合手持系統的顯示及操作,以達到方便瀏覽之目的。 本研究將介紹本實驗室開發的Browsing Rendering System,其運作主要 方法是先透過Mediator 接收使用者瀏覽要求經過網頁內容經由Retriever 做 擷取動作、Extractor 做切割、整合最後利用Cluster 做叢集分類動作,回傳 給Mediator 後Mediator 將網頁叢集結果回傳給使用者。Nowadays, more and more people are getting used to browsing the Internet with hand-held devices such as mobile phones or PDAs. However, web pages most often seen are designed for those devices with large screens such as PCs or NBs. Thus, these web pages hardly fit into the small devices. To facilitate wide adoption of hand-held devices for Internet access, we provide a web content clustering mechanism and devise, a Browsing Rendering System, so as to display and browse Web content in a better way. In this work, a web page that is developed for rendering on devices with large screens can be automatically parsed, re-organized, clustered and displayed on hand-held devices.