需求追蹤關係與變更影響分析在軟體開發上越來越受到重視,然而架構龐大的系統有著大量且關係複雜的文件,以人工手動的方式來建立或是維護追蹤關係是一件複雜且不容易的事,因此如何使用一個系統化的、有步驟的方式來管理與建立追蹤關係變成是軟體開發的一個重要議題。 本篇論文使用設計結構矩陣來自動化的建立系統文件與程式碼之間的追蹤關係。利用設計結構矩陣的叢集演算法的結果,分析計算兩者之間的關聯程度,並根據定義的門檻(Threshold)確認是否存在追蹤關係。我們並將此方法設計與實作需求分析服務,有步驟地自動化建立需求追蹤關係。 In the development lifecycle of software systems, it has become more and more important to establish and manage requirements traceability between documents and codes. However, it is hard to manage a large number of traceability relations manually in a large software system. In this paper, we use design structure matrix (DSM) to support the automatic generation of traceability relations between documents and codes by performing clustering algorithm. The clustering results are then used to calculate the relation degree of the traceability relations. A traceability analysis service is also implemented to demonstrate our approach.