本論文主要以RF-sputter成長In2Se3材料作為Cu(In,Ga)Se2太陽能電池之緩衝層,目的是取代目前普遍使用的CdS。探討沉積緩衝層對CIGS太陽電池造成的影響。太陽電池的元件結構為Mo/CIGS/In2Se3/ZnO/ZnO:Al/Ni/Al,其中Ni/Al是以E-Gun沉積外,其餘結構皆是以RF-sputter的方式成長。 本實驗室目前以成功研製出以In2Se3/Cu(In,Ga)Se2為主之CIGS薄膜太陽電池。Mo背電極是在基板升溫至100 ℃下,以100W的功率沉積30分鐘。CIGS吸收層是以50W的功率沉積35分鐘。In2Se3緩衝層是以70W的功率沉積3分鐘。ZnO透明電極是以50W的功率沉積15分鐘。ZnO:Al透明電極是以50W的功率沉積30分鐘。元件在AM 1.5,100 mW/cm2的標準光源下,得到轉換效率為0.235%,開路電壓為0.28 V,短路電流密度為2 mA/cm2,填充因子為41.8 %,元件面積為0.021 cm2的CIGS太陽電池。In this study, we investigate the impact of In2Se3 buffer of CIGS solar cells which was used to replace the CdS buffer to avoid the toxic issue. The structure of the CIGS solar cells is Mo/CIGS/In2Se3/ZnO/ZnO:Al/Ni/Al. The metal contact Ni/Al was deposited by electron beam evaporator. The other films were deposited by RF-sputtering. Our group has successfully fabricated the CIGS solar cells with In2Se3 buffer layer. The RF power was kept at 100 W to deposit the back contact Mo for 30 minutes and the substrate temperature was 100 ℃.The RF power was kept at 50 W to deposit the absorption layer CIGS for 35 minutes. The RF power was kept at 70 W to deposit the buffer layer In2Se3 for 3 minutes. The RF power was kept at 50 W to deposit the transparent conducting ZnO film for 15 minutes. The RF power was kept at 50 W to deposit the transparent conducting ZnO:Al for 30 minutes. The fabricated cell of 0.021 cm2 active area demonstrates an efficiency of 0.235 % with VOC = 280 mV, JSC = 2 mA/cm2, FF = 41 % under AM 1.5 illumination.