隨著時代的演進人類的平均壽命跟著增長進而造成人口結構老化,因此如何能照顧好老年生活同時又能降低醫療成本將會是重要課題,居家照護就是為了解決這些問題所提出來的概念。本論文的研究目的就是利用作業系統為Windows Mobile 5.0 之個人數位助理(PDA)作為生理訊號量測平台,讓使用者能方便地對生理訊號做記錄與偵測,進而達到降低醫療成本的目的。本研究主要測量心電圖、血壓、脈搏以及溫度,接著將這些類比訊號利用單晶片處理器轉為數位訊號,接著透過藍牙介面傳送至PDA 上,最後利用Microsoft Visual Studio C# 2005 來設計平台介面。使用者可以同時在畫面上看見各訊號的顯示,系統也會將各數據自動儲存起來;另外在血壓的測量上,系統加入無脈壓帶式血壓測量使此平台操作更加方便同時也利於居家照護的使用。Human life gets longer as time goes by that leads to aging of population structure. Taking good care of aged persons and reducing health care costs become very important issues. Home care is a solution to deal with these issues. The purpose of this study is to develop vital signs measurement platform by using a personal digital assistant (PDA) whose operation system is Windows Mobile 5.0. This system lets user measure vital signs and save data conveniently, and therefore reduces health care costs. The vital signs that were measured in this study are: electrocardiography, pulse, blood pressure and body temperature signals. These analog vital signs were converted into digital signals with a microprocessor; the digitized data were then transmitted to a PDA by a Bluetooth module; finally a user interface on PDA was developed with Microsoft Visual Studio C# 2005. Users can read each vital sign on the screen of PDA at the same time and the system save these signals automatically. A cuff-less blood pressure estimation method was applied to our system to make the system easy to use in home care application.