由於非對稱壓延不但具有可有效降低壓延力,亦可使材料於壓延製程的安排上,更趨自由及多樣性等優點,對於壓延工業上之應用有極大的助益,故本計畫擬定分別採用理論及實驗方法討論非對稱壓延加工對壓延板材彎曲曲率的效應。本研究計畫時程共計兩年。於實驗上,本計畫第一年將基於同徑異周速,異徑同周速及異徑異周速等參數設定了一系列的參數組合條件,對不同厚度板材進行非對稱壓延實驗。第一年的實驗結果並將用於驗證第二年所進行的有限元素解。本計畫之目的除了在於探討各加工之參數,如板厚,上下滾輪直徑大小及比值,上下滾輪圓周切線速度,壓下率及潤滑條件,對成形板材彎曲的特性影響外,亦藉此歸納出合理的參數組合條件範圍,以確保成品品質並降低生產成本。本計畫第一年之實驗將利用現有壓延機實施,第二年之理論分析將採用適合 PC等級使用的有限元素套裝軟體MARC。 Due to the fact that asymmetrical rolling process may effectively decrease the required rolling force as well as the required rolling torque, and also result not only in more flexible but also in versatile arrangement in the rolling process, it is beneficial for the asymmetrical rolling process to be applied in industries. Therefore, the research proposal is to both theoretically and experimentally investigate the effect of asymmetrical rolling on the curvature of the rolling material. This is a research proposal of two-years period. In the first year, this research proposal will focus on the experimental analysis, and in the second year it will concentrate on the theoretical analysis. In experiment, a great number of the combination of working parameters, based on different diameters as well as different peripheral velocity of the upper and lower rolls, will be applied on the sheets ofvarious thickness in the asymmetrical rolling. These experimental results will be later used to verify the finite element solution to be performed in the following year. The purpose of the research proposal is to investigate the effect of working parameters, such as the initial thickness of rolling sheets, the asymmetric ratio as well as the magnitudes of the velocities of the upper and lower rolls, the reduction rate and the lubricant condition, on the characteristics of bent sheets. In addition, it is expected to summarize a rational range defined by these working parameters in order that the bent sheet can be secured in good quality under the consideration of economic cost. To carry out the asymmetrical rolling experiment, the rolling mill provided by the department will be utilized. However, the finite element analysis will rely on the software package MARC performed on personal computer. 研究期間:9508 ~ 9607