本計畫目標主要可區分為三大部份,一為更新修訂系統動態評估模型並提升數據資料品質,以求獲致更具可信之模擬結果,並擬進行再生能源推廣經濟效果之情竟模擬評估。二為評估推廣燃料乙醇之成本效益,包括在地種植能源作、進口原料、以及直接進口乙醇成品等方案,考量之原料或成品來源則不以北美或巴西為限,燃料用途則包括直接替代含氧劑及固定汽油?配比例等情境進行評估。第三部份則為燃料乙醇未來發展潛勢之初步評估,即進行纖維素水解產製生質能之潛勢與成本效益等研究內容。 This proposed project has three major purposes. Firstly, the model built in the previous year will be updated and revised, so does the parameter specification. Hopefully, the effectiveness of promoting various kinds of renewable energy can be assessed based on scenario analyses. Secondly, extended analyses on fuel ethanol including importing sources of feedstock and utilizations of ethanol, are planned to be conducted on the basis of scenario assumptions. The third objective is to evaluate the potentials of promoting fuel ethanol in which acquiring costs and various sources of feedstock are to be evaluated. 研究期間:9501 ~ 9512