本研究計畫將處理情緒(情感)和現代性(包括現代自我)之間關係的數個面向。計畫初期(第一年)主要是對當前人文社會科學關於情緒的研究取向作跨領域的文獻檢視。焦點放在「情感是否為社會文化建構」的爭議。文化研究、情緒哲學、社會理論的文獻都顯示情感的建構論取向,和情感是生物的內在自生取向、或情感是對感覺或事件的認知-評價取向,有著競爭和相容的可能。第一年的基礎研究將為後繼的建構論研究取向鋪路。第二年與第三年則會從「情感勞動」與「粉都或粉絲的迷戀情感」來分析「現代情緒」所涉及的諸多問題。所謂現代情緒預設了現代性對於情緒的建構;現代組織內的情緒、現代社會關係所必要的情緒,都構成了各種各樣所謂的「現代情緒」。當然,「現代情緒」觀念本身就頗富爭議,而且和現代性的諸多問題糾葛。在上述的理論背景下,計畫中期與後期將從兩類現代情感問題入手,一個是關於情感勞動的探討:由於在現代服務業中,情緒(包括感受、感覺、態度)是勞務的重要元素,由此帶來情緒勞動的異化問題。另一個則是關於迷戀(含上癮)的現象,本計畫將以晚期現代的粉都或迷文化為主題,來探究迷戀情感的晚期現代性質。這兩者(情感勞動、粉都或粉絲的迷戀情感)在一般批判言說中,都被視為真實自我與真實情感的異化現象。本計畫從這兩個現象入手,不但反轉一般批判言說,還進一步藉著探究現代情緒,提出現代性與現代自我的可能轉化。 This three-year project shall deal with the complex relationship between emotions and modernity (includes modern self). The first year will review the current literatures on philosophy or theory of emotion in humanities and social sciences. The Second year and third year will discuss many problems concerning the concept of 「modern emotions」, that is, problems related to the construction of emotions by modernity. The intertwined problems of modern emotions will be cut through by analyzing the phenomena of emotional labor or work, and the phenomena of fandom or fan culture, both of which are seen by some as the alienation of the authentic self and authentic emotions. However, this project will re-conceptualize these phenomena and provide a new analysis of modern emotions which shows the possible transformation of modernity and self in the late modern configurations. 研究期間:9608 ~ 9707