台灣陸上於麓山帶進行測勘工作己累積數十年的經驗。然島上若干地質構造複雜、資料訊噪比不佳,且含有油氣徵兆之複雜構造地區急需在探勘技術上有所改良與突破。本計劃的主旨著重於突破以「聲波」為主軸的傳統資料處理模式,提出以「彈性波」的反應進行資料模擬與地下構造的成像研究。其目的為著重於麓山帶地區受地形起伏、側向速度變化、及風化層所引發之淺層效應(資料處理上亦稱靜態修正)等皆因於三維波傳路徑於淺層及深部區域趨於複雜,而造成資料處理與震測剖面判讀上的困難。地形變化對震波產生的散射、折射、反射、陷波、三維聚焦效應,以及震波於速度界面的波相轉換等等影響,均不可忽視。因此,擬針對麓山帶的複雜構造,如逆斷層下盤的油氣封閉構造之震測資料的特性分析進行震測資料的技術發展。並由中油相關技術研究人員透過整合地面地質資訊及地下構造的解釋,進行石油系統的整合與構造評估之研究。 2D and 3D seismic full wavefield simulation will be the main task force to verified the field data recorded in structurally complex area. Prestack modeling which utilize parallel computing will be enforced during the initial stage after the basic data sets are integrated for simulation purpose. Simulation will explicitly consider the near-surface effects due to elevation and near-surface velocity variations. Source and receiver statics are included to mimic field data. The modeling algorithm is based on finite-difference or pseudospectral solution of the 2D or 3D scalar wave equation. The simulation scheme is used by application of the simulation software within complex faulted structure. 研究期間:9601 ~ 9612