本文探討橡膠材料中孔洞的動態擴張。橡膠材料在很多方面都有不少應用,如土木工程的建築物隔震器、機械方面的輪胎等等都有使用橡膠材料。本文採用的橡膠材料模型為新虎克材料模型。當施加的外力到達材料的臨界荷重時,橡膠材料孔洞會有不穩定擴張,可能會造成橡膠材料的局部分子結構破壞,而導致橡膠材料整體強度衰減,所以研究橡膠材料中孔洞動態擴張的行為,可提供研究橡膠材料強度衰減的學理根據。本文探討新虎克材料的空心圓球在衝擊荷重和呆荷重作用下其彈性孔洞的振動型態以及討論外力強度、速率對孔洞振動的影響。 This thesis studies with the dynamical behavior of voids in rubbers. Rubber materials have been used in many areas, such as building isolation and wheel tires. When loadings reaches some critical value, the dynamical behavior of the voids in rubbers will change. We will focus on the unstable growth of the voids under implusive load and dead load. The patterns of vibration and maximum deformation of the void are analyzied by adjusting the intensity and speed of the loadings applied on the outer boundary of the rubber sphere.