Abstract: | 法國十九世紀浪漫派作家奈瓦爾(Gérard de Nerval)於1854年出版文集《火之女》(Les Filles du feu),〈希薇〉(Sylvie)為其中一篇短篇小說。由於小說中豐富的音樂元素,像是民間歌曲的引用、類似樂曲的架構以及充滿音樂性的文字音韻,本文試圖從音樂角度,運用互文性觀念,分析此籠罩迷霧的故事世界、人物關係及整體的書寫特色。 第一章節探討作者創作背景。在法國作家中,文藝復興時代詩人洪薩(Ronsard)的詩奠定其作品風格。法國哲學家盧梭的哲學思想,不但增添浪漫主義色彩,也不時出現在其作品中;另外,在德意志作家中,奈瓦爾尤其欣賞歌德作品中的神秘氛圍。德語歌曲(Lieder)為〈希薇〉作者在普魯士旅行時最喜愛的音樂類型,因此令他轉向法國民間歌曲,希望能從中找尋遺失的時光。 第二章節首先討論〈希薇〉中三位女主角與主角的關係。這三位女子各有特色,文章中總是出現於特定時間:白晝、黃昏和夜晚。對於主角來說,她們看似為三個不同個體,其實彼此間時常角色重疊,如複調音樂般奏出主角追逐理想愛情的曲子。除此之外,透過一些古物(時鐘、煙草盒)、荒廢的遺址及不斷傳唱的古老歌曲,過去和現在時空如對話般交疊在故事中。 第三章節從音樂的廣義角度分析故事架構。〈希薇〉中情節及用語的重複出現形成多個類似劃圓圈的移動路徑,如同主角跳著迴旋曲。此曲子節奏,又彷若交響樂一般,由慢漸漸加快,主人翁們的情緒卻愈來愈低落,宣告過去時光的不復返。另外,故事情節的對稱,卻處處與過去片段成對比,佐證主角的愛情變奏曲。除結構外,故事中亦有許多構成音樂性之元素。文字的音韻、器樂聲、雜音(廚房傳出的聲音、笑聲)增添故事生動性,甚至是鳥及鳥聲也有象徵的意涵。 作者透過書寫,對於愛情及過去時光的追尋,將持續下去,如同歌曲不斷被傳唱般…。 The Romantic French writer, Gérard de Nerval, published his collection of short stories, Les Filles du feu, in 1854. Sylvie is one of the stories. By reason of various musical elements in this story, such as the lyrics of the female character’s favorite songs, a musical story structure and the poetic words, we apply the theory of intertextuality to study the music and the musicality in the story. The thesis begins with a research into the influences of Nerval’s writing career. Among the French writers, the poems of Ronsard determine the early works of Nerval. Besides, the philosophy of Rousseau is widely used and transformed in his works. When talking about the German writers, Goethe and other poets’ poems bring an occult atmosphere to the works of Nerval. During the voyages in Germany, the author of Sylvie shows his interest toward the lieder (German songs) which lead him to a study of chansons. In chapter two, there is firstly an analysis to the interrelationship of the roles. In manner of dividing the heroines into three categories, the day, the dusk and the night, we endeavor to clarify the different characteristic of each heroine. Then, one heroine usually responds to another heroine, and such fusion composes polyphony in the story. The polyphony also occurs when the past and the present overlap. The third chapter aims at the study of the structure of Sylvie by means of musical terminology. The circular moves of the hero create a roundel. The roundel spins from a slow speed to a fast speed. However, the feeling of the hero and Sylvie becomes more and more distressed, which announces the failure of chasing the past love. We observe as well a symmetrical plot that demonstrates a variation of the love story of the hero. Moreover, the musical elements are important in the story. The musical instruments, the noises from the kitchen, the laugh and the words used thoroughly by the author not only influence the atmosphere of the story, but also increase the poetic aspect to the story. In addition, the birds and its chirps indicate some metaphors in Sylvie. For Nerval, the chasing of the past and the love seem endless. At least, in his works, he could continue constantly the journey, just like the chansons are always sung from one generation to another. |