摘要 本論文『WISE:氣象資訊達人』是架構在iSee基礎下的一隻social robot,目的是在提供新的使用者介面之概念。本論文提供了使用者三項服務,首先是藉由social robot連結至已知型態的網站,擷取特定的資料服務使用者。本論文是連結至氣象網站,取得即時的氣象資訊,包含衛星雲圖、氣象概況和氣象預測等資訊。第二項是架構了在地端室外天氣預測的介面,提供使用者所在地的氣象資訊。最後則提供了氣象知識的查詢,讓使用者除了查詢氣象資訊外,更能學習到氣象知識。 Abstract In this thesis, a new comprehensive social robot with the basic structure of iSee called WISE is proposed to provide the users new interface concept. In this proposed thesis, WISE had 3 outstanding main functions; the first function is to retrieve some specified users data service by connected system to specific remote sites. in addition to retrieve the nowcast or real time climatic information including satellite measurements, weather map, climate forecast, etc by connecting system to weather website. The second function is constructing the regional weather forecast interface to provide users regional climatic information. And the last function is allowing users to access and get the latest severe weather information. Moreover, the users can also learning the meteorology and climatology information in this function service.