台灣的電子代工產業長期以來注重研發、產能經濟規模的擴大、成本降低等思維,讓每家代工廠商都脫離不了低價競爭的策略。從產業的價值鏈及產品的獲利模式分析,發展自有品牌、掌握產品技術及規格的主導權,是代工企業跳脫低毛利率,創造永續獲利的主要方向。 本研究架構從代工企業面臨的產業發展瓶頸、企業永續經營的概念、外部客戶的疑慮、內部資源衝突及整合等觀點,探討ODM企業面臨的轉型壓力。轉型過程中,ODM與OBM的本質與經營模式截然不同、因而衍生的營運管理亦有所差異,本研究分析的營運管理包含企業策略與組織、核心流程及基礎工程等三要素,分析企業轉型前後的差異。以3C架構( 顧客Customer、競爭對手Competitor、企業本身Company)說明轉型前後的策略差異,以波特的價值鏈分析轉型前後的核心流程差異,以核心流程所應具備的人員功能職能及資訊系統的支援分析轉型前後基礎工程的差異。 本研究以某電子公司將品牌事業部與原代工製造部門分割為例,分析該公司分割前後其營運管理的差異、因應的行動方案及短中長期計畫,以期縮短轉型的磨合期及減少轉型過程中所衍生的相關成本。 Taiwan's electronics companies have mainly been based on OEM and ODM business models. Their high quality, efficiency, and flexibility are favored by major brand carriers in the world. However, these business models usually led to price competition, control cost for sub-contract to ODM manufacturers, and yearly gross profit decreases. Thus, the OEM and ODM companies are facing the pressure of making the jump from ODM to OBM. However, making the jump from OEM to OBM is not as simple as proclaiming a strategy. It requires a substantial commitment of time and resources to establish channel relationships and share-of-mind in target markets. The study is provided a clear view of the different business model of ODM and OBM, and the critical changes and action plans of the internal operational management which including strategy and organization, core processes, functional competency and information technology. The purpose of this study is to reduce the cost of the shifting process from ODM to OBM.