Abstract: | 兩岸金融合作隨著ECFA簽訂,已邁入了一個嶄新的紀元。突破過去政治與經濟上的隔閡,兩岸終於走向金融往來正常化的階段,尤其是中國市場近五年來的國內生產總值,每年都擁有將近10%的成長;相對於台灣,歷經亞洲金融風暴、本土金融風暴、雙卡風暴與全球金融風暴後,整體金融體系雖不至於搖搖欲墜,但亦元氣大傷,且台灣市場競爭激烈,更是迫使台灣銀行業者西進中國市場,進行一波卡位戰。儘管擁有許多規模上、條件上、法規上與政策上的限制與劣勢,台灣仍舊挾著優異的風險控管、中小企業融資、財富管理與客戶關係管理之豐富經驗西進中國市場,企圖為全球經貿體系紮下最踏實的第一步。 銀行產業在兩岸各擁有不同的發展史與階段性成長,其背後政治、文化對整體經營亦具有相當程度的影響,本研究即透過產業分析針對兩岸銀行業之差異、環境、競爭與優劣勢進行探討,所應用之產業分析工具為「總體環境分析」、「產業生命週期分析」、「策略群組分析」、「五力分析」與「SWOT分析」,力求確實掌握兩岸銀行業之結構、競爭情形與現況。藉由完善之文獻蒐集、次級資料分析與專家訪談,探討兩岸銀行業者之競合關係,以及了解台灣銀行業西進之機會與挑戰,並提供未來西進之競爭策略,以因應未來市場之需求以及提升產業競爭力,作為台灣銀行業擬定策略或政府單位擬定政策之參考。 本研究對於台灣銀行業於後ECFA時代之西進的機會與挑戰,根據研究結果所得到之結論為:台灣銀行業西進中國市場必成為趨勢,中國市場之客戶爭奪亦將更為激烈,且各銀行將持續提升客戶關係管理能力以增進其優勢,市場競爭亦將帶來整體金融產品創新速度提升。本研究針對台灣銀行業提出以下建議:以合作取代競爭,拓展通路為主;適時預測並緊抓官方政策的走向,以因應市場變化;掌握現有優勢,伺機搶攻具備獨特性質之業務,才能發揮最大效益、搶占利基。 Following the signing of the ECFA, cross strait financial cooperation has marched into a new era. Having finally overcome some of the past political and economic hurdles both sides of the Taiwan Strait we are finally moving towards a stage of economic normalization. This is now especially important considering that, for the past 5 years, China has continued to enjoy annual market growth of nearly 10%; in comparison, Taiwan, following the Asian financial crisis suffered a double blow from domestic and international financial crises, leaving its economy damaged, though at least not unstable. This, plus fierce competition in the domestic market are the main factors forcing Taiwan bank operators to expand either westward or into the Mainland Chinese market. Despite many disadvantages in scale, conditions, laws, and politics, Taiwanese finance institutions are able to bring their excellent experience in risk management, mid to small business finances, wealth management and customer relations into the Chinese market, taking the first step into the wider international market. The banking industry has had a vastly different development and growth background on either side of the Taiwan Strait. The politics and culture behind the banks has had a very significant effect on how they are run. This research aims to discuss the differences between banks on either side of the strait, including their operational differences, environment, competition, and disadvantages using corporate analysis. The corporate research tools used for this analysis are overall environmental analysis, corporate lifecycle analysis, strategic grouping analysis, and SWOT analysis, in order to obtain an accurate grasp of the organization and competition of banks on both sides of the strait. Through thorough information gathering, data analysis, and interviews with experts, we discuss the competition and cooperation of bankers on both sides of the strait, leading to an understanding of the opportunities and obstacles Taiwan banks will face in international expansion, as well as provide strategies for this expansion. We hope to provide for future market expansion and increase corporate competitiveness, to provide Taiwan banks and government agencies with a simulation strategy to consider various options. Our research into bank expansion trends, opportunities, and challenges in the post ECFA era has found that the expansion of Taiwan banks into China is an inevitable trend, and that competition for clients in China will be fierce. Banks will have to continue to increase their customer service ability in order to vie for an advantage, but the fierce competition will lead to rapid innovation in the financial market. This research makes the following recommendations for Taiwanese banks: Replace competition with cooperation, to develop the market; Anticipate and cooperate with government trends, in order to keep up with market developments; And fully utilize your current advantages, implementing unique, innovative services when possible, in order to obtain the largest market share. |