本計畫針對兩大主題進行實驗測量和數值分析研究:(1)研發創新加壓型固態氧化物燃料電池(SOFC)的組裝技術和(2)測試流道尺寸效應對單電池堆性能之影響。前者工作項目有三:(1)針對壓力效應對電池性能之影響、加壓型SOFC組裝設計以及不同密封材料與技術於加壓型SOFC之適用性等三個議題作分析與彙整,並提出一完整的文獻回顧報告;(2)嚐試建立氣體洩漏率之測試平台,測試不同的密封材料或組裝技術於高溫高壓條件下之洩漏率,初期以溫度範圍(400 oC ~ 900 oC)和壓力範圍(1 atm~ 3 atm)為目標,逐步提升壓力範圍至約5 atm;(3)建立三維反應流場數值模式,並預測壓力效應對多孔電極內部的傳輸機制以及電池性能的影響。後者為流道尺寸效應與電池性能之研究,我們將以陶瓷材料(B85)或不鏽鋼材料(crofer-22-APU),製作具有不同流道尺寸之棋盤狀流場板,並將其與電池基板組裝成單電池堆,以進行一系列的電池性能測試與阻抗頻譜量測。本計畫考慮單電池堆的性能測試需耗費許多經費,故我們將以數值模擬,進行流道尺寸對電池性能影響的靈敏度測試,希能找到適當的流道與棋盤狀凸出物面積比之電池性能優化設計,以減少實驗所需測試之次數,預期本計畫所獲得之成果,將有助於核研所未來開發加壓型金屬支撐SOFC之組裝設計。 This proposal focuses on two topics using both experimental measurements and numerical simulations: (1) Studying innovative pressurized-assembling technology for planar solid oxide full cells (SOFC) and (2) measuring the scaling effects of flow channels to cell performance of a single-cell stack. The former has three working items: (1) A survey of available literatures concerning the pressure effect to cell performance of planar SOFC, the assembling designs of pressurized SOFCs, and the suitability assessment of different sealing materials applying to pressurized SOFC; (2) attempting to establish a platform for the gas leakage testing, so that different assembling designs using various sealing materials can be tested at high-temperature and high-pressure conditions (400 oC ~ 900 oC; 1 atm ~ 3 atm and gradually increasing up to 5 atm); (3) establishing 3-D reacting flow models for predicting the pressure effects on cell performance. The latter, the scaling effects of flow channels to cell performance, is to use the ceramic material (B85) or the stainless steel (crofer-22-APU) for making different sizes of pin-type flow interconnects. Then these interconnects are assembled with the PEN to from a single-cell stack for a series of testing and measurements using the AC impedance instrument. Since the cost of the rig test using the single-cell stack is high, numerical simulations are applied for sensitivity analyses in attempt to find the optimal design of pin-type flow channel and to reduce the number of real tests. These results should be useful in due course for pressurized metal-support SOFC assembling technologies currently developing in INER. 研究期間:9901 ~ 9912