摘要: | 自工業革命後,石化燃料大量利用成就了繁榮的經濟,但在長期溫室氣體的排放下,造成環境的汙染與全球暖化等問題日益明顯,近年來,各國紛紛找尋新的綠色生質能源,沼氣就是其中之一;沼氣是甲烷與二氣化碳的混合氣,可燃燒作為燃料及發電用途。國內有機廢棄物沼氣能源回收之潛力極高,可利用農村和都市廢棄物,經由微生物厭氣消化反應而產生沼氣,如將沼氣利用於發電上,估計每年可獲約1,200 百萬千瓦小時之電力。一般厭氣消化反應溫度為常溫(10-20°C)或中溫(30-40°C),生化反應慢,本研究採用高溫厭氣消化(Thermophilic anaerobic digestion ,簡稱 TAnD)為系統,主要在於溫度升高到高溫(50-60°C),反應速率會提高了 10-20 倍,另一方面,消化反應中負責生成沼氣之微生物相相當複雜,並扮演關鍵角色,仍有許多未知值得深入研究。本計畫有三個具體目標:首先,本計畫共同主持人石家興教授將與本地養豬業者,合作設計興建沼氣生產模廠,預估處理量為4,000-5,000 豬隻之廢棄物,計畫目標為設計與規劃高溫厭氣消化TAnD 模廠,至於興建模廠設備之預算將另申請其他經費補助。第二,本計畫共同主持人王鯤生教授實驗室將建立高溫厭氧消化模廠之運行與監測方式,建立最佳參數;另外由本計畫主持人黃雪莉教授、共同主持人杜鎮教授與馮騰永教授實驗室,將致力研究國內運轉中之沼氣槽微生物菌相,以建立微生物與高效率沼氣生產之相關性。第三,分離高溫厭氣消化模廠中有用微生物,並可進一步探索有用酵素。藉由本計畫之研究,利用生物科技來增加高溫厭氣消化反應之效能及建立良好的監控與操作,進而增加沼氣的生產利用。我們相信此高溫厭氣消化TAnD 技術,可替國內沼氣發展找到新的曙光,提供國內再生能源成功實例,除達到轉化廢棄物為能源之目標,並減低溫室效應。 Biogas, a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide, is a combustible and renewable source of energy. Because of the high cost of fossil fuels and the carbon emission and global warming issue, the world is actively looking for alternative energy sources. Biogas is one of the possibilities. Biogas can be generated as a co-product in a waste management process called anaerobic digestion. Thermophilic anaerobic digestion (TAnD) operated at higher temperatures (50-60 oC) is known to be more efficient than those at ambient (10-20 oC) or mesophilic (30-40 oC) temperatures. Anaerobic digestion has been used for many decades. The hardware of the digester system has been greatly improved by different types of designs. On the other hand, the “software” or the biological system and its control inside of the digester are still relatively unknown. In this project, the general goal of the Investigators is to study and develop the biotechnology of anaerobic digestion and biogas production. Based on the knowledge we learn, hopefully we will be able to improve, by biological means, the performance of a digester. Specifically, we have three specific objectives. First, obviously, a digester, in particular, a TAnD will be constructed on a pig farm (by Dr. J Shih, Co-PI of this proposal, and pig farm owner). The pig farm with a total of 4,000-5,000 heads of hogs and saws has been selected and committed by the owner to participate in the project. The budget for TAnD construction will be requested from other sources or special programs. This project, therefore, will cover only the design and planning of TAnD. Second, we will establish two labs, one lab (Dr. KS Wang, Co-PI) for environmental analysis and monitoring the performance of TAnD. Another lab will be for microbial community study including 16S rRNA gene analysis (by Drs. SL Huang, PI; Drs. C Du and TY Feng, Co-PIs). Before we build our TAnD, sample handling and techniques practices will be carried out from other digesters around Taiwan. Third, develop techniques for the mining of novel microbes, genes and enzymes (by Drs. Du, Feng and Huang). We believe that TAnD will be a rich biodiversity for the mining. 研究期間:9901 ~ 9912 |