本研究所要討論的,係以雲南反共救國軍在緬甸的發展過程為重心。過去我們對雲南反共救國軍的了解大多建構於小說、電影等資料上面,由於個人立場的不同,這使得後人很難去完全了解滇緬邊區游擊隊的全貌。由於近來官方檔案的逐步開放,這使得本議題有了更進一步的研究空間。因此本論文係利用官方檔案重新對滇緬邊區游擊隊作一番檢視。 在利用官方檔案研究的過程中,可以得知滇緬邊區游擊隊得以順利的在緬甸活動長達將近四年的時間,最重要的因素便在於美國的支援。事實上在韓戰爆發之前,美方視雲南反共救國軍在緬甸的活動,為東南亞地區的威脅,因此積極的向國府施壓,希望國府儘速的將其撤離緬甸。但隨著隨著韓戰的爆發之後,美國對於雲南反共救國軍的態度也開始發生轉變,不僅提供武器彈藥,甚至協助其對雲南發動反攻行動,最主要的目的便在於利用雲南反共救國軍的活動遲滯東南亞地區赤化的可能性,所採取的代理人戰爭。 This article focus on the Nationalist troops activities in Burma between 1949~1953. At the past time, all we knew about Nationalist troops activities was coming from novel, books, and movies. With the government archive open for public used, we can know more about Nationalist troops activities in Burma. By studying the file of the government archive, we can find that Nationalist troops can stay in Burma for 4 years, The most important reason was US. Government support. When Korea War happened, the US. had already formulated a new policy to aid local anti-Communist minority group, US. hoped this would help delay the Communist “liberation” of South-East Asia peripheral regions. The Nationalist troops was one of that.