本研究透過對國民黨政府遷臺前與遷臺初期、蔣中正執政時期、蔣經國執政時期以及李登輝執政時期等四個階段的國(初)中歷史教材內容進行分析,瞭解國民黨政府在臺執政期間,如何運用國(初)中歷史教材進行反共抗俄論述,以及反共抗俄教材內容隨時代變遷而進行調整的過程。 根據作者研究發現,國民黨政府遷臺初期之初中歷史教材仍延續大陸時期版本,內容並未包含反共抗俄意識型態,反而認為蘇聯是值得效法的國家。至韓戰爆發,國民黨政府終於有餘力對臺灣展開由上而下的改革,包括推動反共抗俄教育政策,初中歷史教材亦配合融入反共抗俄思維。 蔣中正執政時期之國(初)中歷史教材著重蘇聯與中共的主從關係,呈現「抗俄」重於「反共」的態度,且透過狹義與廣義的反共抗俄論述,灌輸學生漢賊不兩立的絕對立場,並將臺灣定義為反共抗俄復興基地。 蔣經國執政時期深受外交挫敗等主客觀情勢的影響,國中歷史教材逐漸減緩抗俄論述,但持續擴增反共議題,轉而表現出「反共」重於「抗俄」的態度,強調兩岸生活的極端對比,增添國民黨政府反攻大陸拯救中國同胞的正當性,以及三民主義統一中國的合理性。 李登輝執政時期由於蘇聯解體、冷戰走入歷史,因此國中歷史教材大量刪減抗俄教材內容,甚至恢復親俄的論述。其次,李登輝宣布終止動員戡亂時期並主導制定〈國家統一綱領〉,因此國中歷史教材不再將中共詮釋為叛亂團體,轉而將中共定義為敵對且對等的政治實體,大量擴增有關中共的論述,抨擊中共一國兩制政策與以及臺文攻武嚇的作法,使學生提高憂患意識並對中共保持戒心。綜觀而言,國民黨政府雖然改變反共論述策略,但其反共教育目標並未有絲毫鬆動。 This research mainly discusses how the contents of the historical teaching materials of junior high school changed in Taiwan from 1949 to 2000. By analyzing the changes of the historical teaching materials of junior high school after the KMT government compelled to take refugee in Taiwan in 1949, we could understand the KMT government’s anti-communism and anti-Russia policies. In the first few years, the historical teaching materials of junior high school did not convey any thoughts of anti-communism and anti-Russia. But after the Korea war, the KMT government started to revise the historical teaching materials of junior high school and promoted anti-communism and anti-Russia thoughts. In this research, we demonstrate the shifting of those anti-communism and anti-Russia thinking in the historical teaching materials of junior high school. In conclusion, thought the KMT government changed the methods of the transmission of anti-communism and anti-Russia thinking, the basic anti-communism policy of educating the students did not changed.