關於臺灣癩病(痲瘋病,Leprosy)的探討,大多集中於官方的癩病防治政策,或以臺灣總督府立癩療養所樂生院(今樂生療養院)之研究為主。本文則重在強調長老教會以及戴仁壽(Dr. George Gushue-Taylor,1883-1954年)對於臺灣癩病防治的貢獻,蓋十九世紀以降基督教之醫療傳教,除為亞、非地區或國家播下現代醫療種子外,亦率先關懷癩病患等社會邊緣人,包括日本本土以及其各地殖民地之首座癩病醫療院所,幾為西方傳教士所創設。臺灣唯一私立癩病療養所-樂山園,即為長老教會醫療傳教士戴仁壽所創。 戴仁壽於府立樂生院創立後,仍堅持興設樂山園,吸取國際先進癩病知識與技術,為癩病患打造一處樂園,與臺灣總督府強制隔離政策大相逕庭。然戴氏仍能憑藉其癩病專業權威與教會資源,頗受殖民官方與日本皇室重視。二次大戰後,尤其民國四○年代中期以後,省立樂生療養院總攬全國癩病防治資源,加上各地皮膚科門診所設立,以及癩病特效藥的普遍使用,私立樂山療養院不得不走上事業轉型之途。 有別於官方機構的限制包袱,樂山療養院得能見勢急起轉型,並憑藉基督教之國際資源,而能探知先進國家於社會福利工作發展情勢,率先從事特殊兒童教養事業、養老院、未婚媽媽之家、殘障兒童養護中心等社會福利事業,延續戴仁壽關懷社會弱勢族群的博愛精神。 Happy Mount Leprosy Colony (樂山園), the only one private leprosy sanitarium in Taiwan, was founded by Dr. George Gushue-Taylor (戴仁壽), the missionary of Church(長老教會). Dr. Taylor insisted on establishing the Happy Mount Leprosy Colony after the governmental Happy Life Leprosy Hospital was built. He tried to create a paradise for patients getting leprosy, and imbibed advanced leprosy knowledge and remedy from universe. It was opposite to the forcible isolation policy of Taiwan government. Due to his specialty and resources from the Church, the colonial government and Japanese imperial household attached importance to Dr. Taylor. In addition to outpatient services of dermatology and using specifics generally, the governmental Happy Life Leprosy Hospital had complete resources of anti-leprosy after WWII that forced Happy Mount Leprosy Colony to change their way. They started to found special education , home for the aged , unmarried mothers’ home and disabled children nursing home etc. social and welfare services to continue Dr. George Gushue-Taylor’s indiscriminate love attentive to disadvantaged minorities in the society.