超塑成形技術的發展、主要用於製造外形輪廓複雜的工件。以往文獻主要以小尺寸且對稱幾何形狀進行超塑成形研究,少有大型且外形輪廓近似實際應用之超塑成形工件。本研究主要目的以超塑成形實際製作民航客機用之鋁合金蒙皮零件(機翼前緣”整流罩”),使用材料為超塑性鋁合金5083。不同於以往平板直接吹製方式,本研究加入折彎預成形之構想再進行超塑成形,實驗首先進行高溫拉伸以證實材料的超塑性;接著再以一般平板直接吹製長方形開口盒,模擬成形後工件之顯微結構與成形趨勢;根據實驗所取得的資料,討論長方形開口盒成形趨勢與加入折彎預成形進行超塑成形之全尺寸工件的相聯性。藉由檢測零件部位之機械性質與材料顯微結構,以證實材料於超塑成形過程的流動趨勢。為了避免高溫超塑成形過程,對材料顯微結構與機械性質造成不良的影響,本研究提出折彎預成形後再室溫引伸以更進一步縮減成形距離與成形時間,此製程以非超塑性AA5182-H34鋁合金試製並進行SP5083室溫引伸可行性評估。 Superplastic forming (SPF) can be applied to fabricate complex shape components. Earlier researches mainly focused on small scales and symmetric geometries rather than large scales and practical components. The objective of this study is to use SP5083 aluminum alloys to manufacture the “fairing cover” in an actual commercial airliner’s leading edge using SPF techniques. Instead of directly blow form a plate, we incorporated the idea of using a bent pre-form before the superplastic forming process. First, high-temperature tensile tests were carried out to verify the superplasticity of the material. The microstructures and the forming trends were then analyzed by using a small scaled prototype component which was blow formed directly from a plate. Based on the acquired experimental data, the correlation between the prototype and the full scaled component which was blow formed from the bent pre-form was discussed. The material’s flowing tendency during SPF process was verified by examining the components’ mechanical properties and microstructures. To avoid the negative effects on the microstructures and mechanical properties caused by excessive processing time under high temperature, the idea of deep drawing the bent pre-form was proposed, which can further shorten the distance between the forming material and the mold, therefore decreasing the SPF processing time. AA5182-H34 aluminum alloy was used for the drawing trial and the results were evaluated.