無線感測與制動網路應用系統的開發通常是針對特定需求所設計,開發者需要掌握多個領域的知識和技能,如各類感測器與致動器的驅動、控制和通訊協定,以及WSN通訊協定,完整地系統雛形開發經常耗費大量開發成本。此外感測節點的程式在更新,通常都必須透過USB、JTAG等實體線材進行在地(on-site)程式碼燒錄,使得系統佈署和更新耗費更多時間與人力成本。本論文研發了一個WSAN平台,包括無線感測制動網路軟體中介層、感測器節點、制動器節點、閘道器通訊軟體、以及基於乙太網路單晶片的嵌入式Web伺服器。藉由此一平台,遠端的應用系統開發者使用GRAFCET圖形語言描述應用系統的功能和行為,再轉譯成參數表下載至閘道器並傳送至WSAN節點,完成WSAN的快速遠端開發和即時佈署。在論文最後,我們已三個WSAN應用系統的開發實例來驗證本論文所提出的WSAN平台和設計方法論之可行性。 Applications of wireless sensor network are usually customized for a specific requirement, it always take a long time to develop a prototype. Besides, once the developers need to update the program in sensor node, the only way they can chose is by physical wire, such as USB, JTAG and so on. Hence, it will cost more than we expected, whether human resource cost or time cost. In this paper, we proposed a design method based on GRAFCET. Developer could map out software behavior by GRAFCET graphical language, and communicate with sensors, actuators and gateway via middleware that provided by wireless sensor network middle tier. At the last, transmit the coding table of applications to the sensor nodes through internet. We design the GRAFCET virtual machine that install in sensor nodes to receive the coding table and interpret to the binary code of the target processor, update code memory and control the program process. In the experiment, we use the actual wireless sensor network application to verify our system, proof the feasibility the method we proposed. With our design, developer could develop prototypes of wireless sensor network in a quick way, and update the program in sensor node through the Internet, cost down the develop time and the staff cost.