本論文主要在分析與研究如何賦予雙足機器人自主性的姿態強健穩定能力。其中包含了即時外力抵抗、斜坡平衡以及斜坡行走之強健穩定能力。而本研究中使用的機器人具有22個自由度,其中每個腳踝擁有2個自由度,再加上3個獨特的自由度在機器人的腰部關節,使其能夠有更多的自由度來獨立調整姿態,進而適應各種不同的環境與干擾。接著分析與模仿人類抵抗外力的方法,利用壓力感測器與慣性量測模組所測得之訊號作為輸入以建立機器人的模糊控制器,而控制器之輸出即為腳踝及腰部之角度,進而達到機器人在三種不同干擾的環境中自主平衡。最後再以實驗數據分析與比較控制器給機器人帶來的平衡貢獻,而結果証明所提出的控制器確實能有效的即時修正機器人姿態並提高其強健穩定度。 This study proposes a real-time balance control for a humanoid robot to resist external forces or to adapt the poor environment such as resisting the forces from the hammer, standing on a moving platform and walking on a slope platform. We study the robustness of the humanoid robot with fuzzy controllers in the above three conditions. The adopted humanoid robot is constructed by 22 motors and it has three degrees of freedom (DoF) in the waist especially. To maintain the standing balance of the humanoid robot, the force sensor module and inertial measurement unit (IMU) are the input of the fuzzy controllers. Then the fuzzy controller is applied to adjust the waist and ankle angles of the robot to resist the external force and conquer the poor environment. The experiment results demonstrate that the waist-ankle fuzzy controller is efficient for the humanoid robot to resist unknown external forces and slope platform, respectively.