網路規模的發展一日千里,網路呈現爆炸性的成長並複雜化。為了能夠在現有的複雜網路架構建置新的網路,虛擬網路技術發展迅速,許多企業網路或網路服務提供者已經使用虛擬網路技術來實現網路管理。除了管理方面,使用者對服務要求的品質也越來越高,服務等級契約(Service Level Agreement,簡稱SLA)即是用來保障顧客服務品質的規範。雖契約可提供品質保障,但也難免會發生違約情形,導致達成率降低,目前雖有防止違約機制,但在實體網路上卻需要較多的成本,如實體線路。因此如何結合服務等級契約及虛擬網路,讓不同的虛擬網路能夠在資源不足的情況下互相支援,提供彈性化的網路環境,降低實體網路成本,並提高服務等級契約的達成率,是非常值得研究的議題。 本論文整合虛擬網路技術以及服務等級契約之概念與特性,提出以服務等級契約為導向最短路徑優先機制(SLA-Oriented Shortest Path First Mechanism,簡稱SO-SPF)動態改變違約流量的傳遞路徑,改善虛擬網路上服務等級契約達成率,並將此架構建置與實作於NetFPGA開發板,為網路管理者與業者提供新的網路管理技術與應用。系統架構主要是透過NetFPGA與一般電腦建立管理中心以及被管理節點兩部分,並使用OpenFlow讓兩者可進行溝通,在此網路管理系統架構下建立本論文所提出之SO-SPF機制,完成系統實作。最後本論文實作在多流量之情況下,比較一般無機制、SPF機制以及SO-SPF機制等三種機制之實驗,當違約發生時,SPF機制比起一般無機制,可改善持續違約之情況,而SO-SPF不僅具備SPF優點,由於已先選擇網路狀態以及服務等級契約較佳的路徑,因此避免違約能力又優於SPF,最後實驗數據可看出SO-SPF在同樣情況下,可比SPF少換一次路徑,借此提高達成率。 Due to the rapid development of the internet and the rise of various internet technologies, the structure of the internet has become more and more complex. Hence, in order to deploy a new network in the current internet structure, virtual network and Service Level Agreement (SLA) to provide customers a stable service quality for service quality is even highly demanded than before. As a result, how to provide a flexible network environment to improve SLA achievement becomes a big issue. For improving SLA Achievement on virtual network, this paper proposed an SLA Oriented Shortest Path First (SO-SPF) mechanism on the NetFPGA. The SO-SPF will change the flow transmission path dynamically when SLA occured violation. The system architecture is composed of Management Station (MS) and Managed Nodes (MN) carried NetFPGA. MS communicates with MN through OpenFlow project. This paper makes comparison between no mechanism, SPF mechanism and SO-SPF mechanism by conducting multi flow experiment. When violation happens, SPF will choose another paths to improve violation duration time. SO-SPF is not only better than no mechanism, but also SPF because it chooses a better transmission path according to network statements, SLA statements, and SPF result. In the last experiment, it can see that the violation time that SO-SPF is less than SPF.