摘要: | 併構岩係由大地工程性質不同的粗顆粒岩塊及細粒基質材料所構成的混合岩石。根據這樣的定義,併構岩包含相當廣泛的大地材料,例如:混成岩、斷層角礫岩、崩積岩屑等。併構岩由於具有異質性、異向性及複雜的特性,在大地工程上屬困難的大地材料。由於組成併構岩的岩塊及基質在空間上的變動性,使得併構岩的工程性質遠較一般大地材料來得散亂。本計畫研究目標著重於併構岩體積比量測及力學性質的變異性/不確定性的探討。首先將,本計畫將建構3維的表徵單元及利用PFC3D形成虛擬的併構岩試體,再以蒙地卡羅方法隨機取樣,以探討取樣尺寸對併構岩體積比量測結果的變異性影響。在力學方面,本計畫採用PFC3D進行一系列虛擬三軸試驗,以評估尺寸對併構岩力學性質之變異性的效應。 Block-in-matrix rocks (bimrocks are defined as “a mixture of rocks, composed of geotechnically significant blocks within a bonded matrix of finer texture”. By this definition bimrocks encompass a wide range of geologic materials including melanges, fault breccia, landslide debris. Because of their heterogeneity, anisotropy and complex nature, bimrocks are difficult geotechnical material with which to deal in geotechnical engineering. The engineering properties of bimrocks are much scatter than other geometerials due to block and matrix with large spatial variability. The scope of this project is to investigate the variations/uncertainties of block proportion and mechanical properties of bimrocks. In this project, 3-D representative volume element (RVE) and PFC3D are adapted to generate the visual bimrocks. Monte Carol approach will be employed to simulate the procedures of sampling and measurement of block proportion. In addition, a series of visual triaxial tests for bimrocks will be conducted by PFC3D to evaluate the size effect on the variation of mechanical properties of bimrocks. 研究期間:10008 ~ 10107 |