石門水庫是戰後台灣第一個最大型的水利建設,也是國家與地方齊力完成的公共工程,寫下戰後水利史的諸多新經驗。原先,政府與地方對水庫的農業效益最為期待,農復會在灌溉區投下相當多的技術改良。水庫從籌建到完工耗費時日,等到真正落成後,也面臨臺灣產業轉型的新局面。原以農業增產為主的石門水庫因為擁有多功能,被善加運用以配合新的經濟政策;而以農業發展為主的桃園地區,同時規劃新的產業。本計畫以石門水庫為研究主體,以桃園為地域範圍,討論政府選擇桃園地區興築水庫之因;水庫興建過程中,政府與地方的推動以及互動;水庫對地方社會、產業經濟的影響。本計畫的執行可以作為桃園水利新的研究起點,一來可以突破陂塘與桃園大圳的格局,除了水庫外,進而研究石門大圳,完整桃園的水利灌溉系統。二來,將桃園水利與經濟關係的論述重心從清代、日治延展到戰後,除了討論桃園地區戰後初期的農業生產外,也開展出水利與工業新議題。 Shihmen reservoir is the first and biggest water conservancy construction of Taiwan after World War II. It is also a public work accomplished through the cooperation of the government and localities. The reservoir was built for the agricultural benefits in the beginning. However, after built up, it not only supports agricultural but also industrial developments due to its mutli-functional design. This project will deal with the effect of the Shihmen reservoir on social and industrial economy in Taoyuan area in addition to studying the considerations of its location selection and the efforts offered by the government and localities. We will also investigate Shihmen canal and the entire irrigation system in Taoyuan. This will be a new starting point for the research on water resources in Taoyuan and will result in new topics on the relations between water resources and industry as well. 研究期間:10008 ~ 10107